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<br />VII. LA'_~ll~ CC~_~L C:L C? IU"'\SZ.TIl~= <br />1\, '>-', . rr,··' .. A'r-'I 3r~ lüCI at 2 PI' <br />.:l( e ~~.l~, _ I., e,~(~a~_~.~___~~__ ~ " <br /> <br />145 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />T:le Vilia¿e COWlcil rwt OIl -::110 RbO'J2 c.é!te with <:,h8 foJ~,OWÍllg G":'lbucs Dref'2nt: <br />',:ueller, H&ix¡·~rs '-en, V:ill¡rn.:~ ,. 2rl.SO!l, ]ép;;-,brez. ~'ra K<J.ron, A 'Gorney ant' Pró!1k Lc ir:. en , '!reas. <br />~2rc ~lEc ~re~ent. <br />Th.e Clerk re¿'cJ the mim¡tdò of the preY:i.ous neeting anè on mot:i.on b~7 Hamr'lcrsten) copc. <br />b~' ':ii':..irr.11s:tiley were appro"ed RS resd.Eol1 Call:Ayes-(j),naY2-(O). <br />The; }u:i1ic :Iearin¿ on the nli1tter ()f vacating alleys on the folL\wing l~escri')eè <br />;'rülJe:rty was òeclarerl open: <br />Alleys in '2lock 1 of Hice st.Granr:view A(rlition to .'?t.Faul,froI'1 Ric9 st. to :;:cta Ave, <br />from Aleèor Ave to Grandvieì': ,rith excertion of ,Üleys running ilorth and South between <br />lets 8,7,6,5,4. <br />Th":Y'8 being no one present tc object to the vacation uf th' above alleys ,:,~ueller <br />'Cloved; sE::conded t.y Har.lioersten to im:truct the VilldGe attorney tu dr2w UD ordinence <br />to vacate thE;f'e alleys.Ron Call:A~/es-(S),Nays-(O). <br />:.1r.Kré'<!\neic presented è1 petition requ8fting the rezonir,g of the f:Úluv:ing describec: <br />;:rJpE~ty ~rom ResicenTial Cles5 A to Business ri~~rict: <br />Lot~ ? to 12 inclusivc,Block 2,Kra;illRk A~dition,Village of Ro~eville,Ra.Co. <br />CaY'lson move(', Hammersten to accepy '~hi8 -;:;et} Fo!". anc1 that ~l)-,lic Heê:ring be <br />h2c on the Ytl2tter,:\pril 17tt,1931 at 2 Lif,. in the ,Tillage r~all,Harnline and Co.Rd.B. <br />R"l' l'a'I', . Y,-,c, (C) IT."". ¡' I') <br />~I...-...L.l \J,..J....J-:...'...t.v\O'-\......... ,,,~~...:'.:.-.:-\d. <br />A ci8cufsion on the drainage .11atter irwelvin¡; the vacé;-::ing of Alr;inc Flace for whic1¡ <br />r~~ lie Hearing was continueò to this meeting,toolc place.It arpears that it is the <br />concenstls of opinion by 2ver:rone present :':'on RidgPWfJ00, Woodsicie Al'ci tion and ~~r. <br />j'\2;,;'nc.rc' that crmsidereble thol1ght 2nd st1wy ['houle be bìv~n to develop a suitable plétn <br />to cr2in north the area from ROfoel2.'N!l Ave bctyreen ¡~2IJiline Ave c:nè ~ mile West of SneL,ir;¡:~ <br />Ave.It Wé'S clt,~ 8v':"èent that the best Eolut",on if -r') conr:r;ct ,,'i:h tte CCl'.:-.t:' èit~h pro- <br />ject to Grain nobinEoYl Lake ',"1¡ich is i.n the process 0;' tJeing don"ò.Hov;2c.rer,it was felt <br />:",ëjt it y,oulc' bl! um7isc tJ holr! u;::: the Count;;i p:ëoject Lut 3. larg{~r pipe s}lOulè be Tl1¡t <br />1.1i nc,;", to ,_;ró'::'r Ro~,ir;son L"Jœ so that ~:'cJfiïcie~t c3:Jacit" will 'bP 8veilar)le fC'" the <br />',,~~~_l2,še ~~\-1~l~1 .~.~~ c:esire~ tc ~11¿:1~-:(: CC!lnE-J.ction te, (~~aip4 the ~ibove aTt;(=}. !:em:!Üerstf~n p}(Y\Ted, <br />Ef:COnÙec; by l'iillrm.s that tÌ1e services of ~':rDl',i: Arn::"'c.'''ong,Lq;ineer be r,iY'ed to iilCIŒ 2 f:tu- <br />of 31.l01,;",t of water RS a T'<2é'ult of dr?i!lÌ!lg é..re2 :~"C!l Ro~~elawn Ave,Hmlline Ave to Uw <br />,at t anc: 2 ¡,Ü.Ie '(est (1" Sne~,.li:lg Ave ,mc' UL'?t "~.h'? èT:::'llt ge .'1('reef; to ;: é1;.' th(~ ('j ffF::r,~nce <br />tu i::~té,=-l ;-: lar¡~f;r ripe fro:;) Hobinson U1.Ì:c i;c~n¡', 'Jor+,h if' 1 "r,<er riDe if' nf:eèeè. <br />~cll C(;l2.:A.yef-(S),:·:(·y~'- C). <br />;-¡a:,l',cr',é'tcn 311"0 move(;, Pê,;f,. :';y C:;;rl~'on i,( '~:)l;·:;::'rl:¡".' U:p he2rine; to 'T2C'2te JÜcÜne ~l;;ce <br />~) ~r,p;l lïVl lq(l 1)011 C'dll.~,,<,c_(r:) 1·¡d"c_(.~\ <br />._.... .{:...~...L. .., /",,' eJ..\.. .' ~"""."~''''''~'''- \.-) ,.. Ao:..·.. \"/. <br />!<E:.l...i,·~oliE ~~!'o·s .!)re~pnte( ¿: peti tj.on to relOC2 l}-UJ .=-....cllcv.rinf~ c~e~~cribf~c: p~"'c.;~e!'t~.T fref1 <br />;:-'é..rLi- :~~ :;'5_ ~.e;'12 e 'II""'if:tr ~_ c t t 0 ~31' s:"lie~: c: ~1i ~tric t: <br />,·:·¡··.·,'ct '(q') c:: fpp'>- p",(,,,,,J, 4 t', 1"'rt1 7(7 f+ ."~ +:\' Cr' ·t' h 't .'0. c.' ,t1, ',~ct·~ r C",-, ,t Ie:: <br />--,-.~e _.JC'/_)...I _,-"......v ,.J..,,--,..:__,L .....~...c" ....\.) ..L1 '_J, ....0_ ,-"._" ~h,1.ì,",.l1~aS .:r,..;\.)U.....1J.C-a...:¡ 4. G.! ~.........c...... <br />:'C\\~l 29,F~:1nLe ?3;P.>¡;'iS€:¡ ':o., tc ;:tatp ~iGh\"i2S 10 2nd 62 é~n() Coun1_~Y Hca(~ A" <br />C2,rlson i!10v8c;,seconde:; by ;{éiJTli1}f; to 2J"]Jt petiticn and that FU;l:i.ic EeaY'ing bE: haè <br />orl "~:le ¡'Jetter on April 17th,195l "t 2 E1. ~oll CÚi:Aye3-(5),:J3.;Ys-(O). <br />"Y'. Christensen and hiE 'Jttorne:: ;.;ike Do?rr appe,Y'8r1 in connE;ctìon '~ith tj¡ê Rction <br />~, LJp. VilLage tc force ~:1~riFt8nf'en to re¡ )V" ii Danl located on ~ranf'it Ave Rii'slr"::,-of-v,!é'Y. <br />~,sller moved, sec. by C3Y'lFon th2t the 0at~u~ o~ co@plaint non before the JURtice Riley <br />~)8 con-:inued for l)O déc:'E froE the tate h~reof rro"ir:h' that :::'. ChY'istenpen agrees to <br />l'8:l,OVe :,he 3rn fY'Ol,] Tr211é'it Ave i"iU:in GC <? :~rc:1 the c12te :l'?reof.E:::ll cal'i:þ.yes-(S) <br />j¡ay::-(O). <br />l._,r.E.A,1}.1.-~lis>;:l'7 COil,:F.~rC(~ ~31(~t:,FJ1Lineer ()f~·:£.\~~~c h::'~ f:-er' in co::n~ct~~o11 vvith <br />cl'ainai';'t; plans for ;ol1t' \!i1.1?,¿e. <br />Hilìw:1.ersten mov(;è, é;;'C, b:' ',';':.Glnu;" tc Plthoriz¿ 'if.'ilir:u2 to o~,t :Ün ~pecifj,c2t,io!lf for ê. <br />;ov;er [<itrol for ':';,0 purpose c:' acvF;rtising f,or bids.rtoll Call:A:'es-f,:arlEùn,Yiillrrms, <br />;¡::;;:nersten,El1eller (~)ì:;lYE'-;;;e.:¡\:;re2-(1). <br /> <br />l~ìl:;l~Lt.::r I.ìU1rC!Ò,SflC.L\:l C[:rlson -0 rc;,-vc -;~he folio"wing billf:.}-)ü21 Call:A:yes-(5)lJa:.'s-(O). <br />?sliable ~~lectric Co 77.33 IJ.S.:'C1\er Cc 1.31 ~J.r.r.::-:0311 :'el.\_o 10.93 <br />,',:e.r:cals::3. 00.='0" II l.C!C'J 11 II 13.70 <br />II If 2::J.7r:; Geol'""l,e Schulz9 l?nCi :r\fjcJE-'~{ti ~1·CS. JO.OC <br />i:..l,:arkhar;¡J 20.ÖÓ FrRnk Leinen 10;.00 ~3eo'CIuligowsl:i 35.00 <br />!!·¡~LL .Þ...I/uc _.lcr (~'C.C'O 3.E.EéL~.r~ler=t(~r: '>V.~Jr: 1~;jrr~7 C8rlsorJ. 60.00 <br />'-:::-·;c't'2.: ;~l~'r~ '"'II'" rY>~;;- ;?'::'rpv- "[:fJ(}~ -'-r~) ;~~~""r)n It..'inc.-'\,,-·, :~oo,..'r.~~,lbrp'i~. 1~,'J1t::1n <br /> <br />P* <br />