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<br />VILLAGE COlmCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />MEETING, TUj~D.Ay,}!~IL-.!:¥th,1951 Rt 2 P!l~ <br /> <br />146 <br /> <br />The Village vouncil ~et on the above date with the following me~bers present: <br />¡V:ueller, Hammersten, Carlson, Wi 1 lr.1U8 ,l.fer;:¡brez. (.5 ) <br />The Clerk read :'he minutes of the previous meeting and on motion by Ha.mmersten,sec. <br />by ~illmus,the minutes were approved as read.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br />The Public Hearing on the rezoning mRtter of Enrnest SeidenkrÐ.nz as fee owner anè <br />Margolis Bros. cf the following d2scribed real estate was declared open: <br />The Ea~t 793.5 feet except the North 767 feet of the SE t,SE% of Sect.1S,T.?9,R.23 <br />Ramsey Co., subj ect to State Eighway 10 and 62 and County Road A . with the ßxeeption <br />of that portion thereof cOIJ1r.J.encing at the NE corner thereof where Lexington and Dione st <br />intersect, thence 183 feet Southerly along Lexington Ave,thence Westerly to Dunlap st. <br />thence 153 feet Northerly aloD'Dunlap the Northwest corner thereof, thence Easterly <br />along the Southerly bound~ry of Dione St.back to the place of beginning, subject to <br />Dione st. and as shoYTI on plat submitted herewith, wherein I hereby dedicate to the <br />Public that portion of the proposed Dione st. as shown on the plat of survey submitted <br />herewith. Petitioner further respectfully requests that the last above excepted portion <br />thereof be zoned ref:idential A property. <br />There being no one present to oppose this rezoning,Mueller m01Tcè,seconded by Carlson to <br />zone property as requested. Roll Call:Ayes-(S),Nays-(O). <br />The Public Hearing on the rezoning matter of S.J.Krannak of the following real estate: <br />Lots 7 to 12 inclusive,Block 2,Krannak Addition,Village of Roseville,Ra.Co. <br />fro [: Residential A District to Busines:? District, was declared open. There being nopne <br />:¡::reseut to or-rpse this rezoning,H8!íilllersten movcc,seconded by CarlsoE to zone the 3bove <br />propert;y Business District.Roll Call:A.:TGc-(5),nays-(0). <br />A petitioE from John Zuttel for the rezoning of the following described real estate <br />was presented by the General Outdoor Ad~ertising froro Farm-resiôence District to Business <br />DÜtrictl <br />South 125 feet of the West 100 ft. of the East 2- of the SW~- of the S\V% <br />of the SW* of Sect.ll¡,T.29,R.23. <br />Muene~moveè,secondeè by Willmus that petition be accepted and that Public Hearing be <br />had on this matter,on May lst,1951 at 2 o'cloce P.;,:. nolI Call:Aye3-(5),Nays-(0). <br />!:;r. George Cook residing on Snelling Curve inquirec' :'Jbout the method used in appraising <br />bf:nefi ts and dé'JI:ages for the COl;.nt~T Ditch project.1ie w~nted to know if the property <br />owners might~1,ssesseò atain when the Village dréiinage plan maybe put into effect. He was <br />t::;ld that it was difficult to assume who.t the viewerl" m:i.ght do in such case anè the <br />¡;e:1eral feeling )'lIaS that the prc'pert;? owners would not be- assesserl again. <br />Fr31:k Devite,2231¡ ~Jo.Har.Üine AvE:; owne!' of a 130 foot lot wantf'd to know if this lot <br />couln bR divided in 2 lots. One lot of SO feet on which a hou8e is located and 1 lot of <br />dO feet on which he prOpOr8E' to bui'le another house.He Vias informed thet sueY¡ él Dlan is <br />Pef' sj_blf'. <br />Ve!'nor, Lovis J.chmar: reqL~ested a special permit to reside in the baser18nt C)f a home <br />lie })roposes to build.Hamme!'E'ten movec,sec, by C2rlson to issue a permit for six months <br />from the date hereof.Roll Cal1:II)T8s-(5),;\¡ays-(0). <br />Edward Dobesh also requested a permit to reside in a basement of a home he propses to <br />builè.Carlson moved,sec. ~y Mueller to issue a permit for 6 months froli1 the èate hereof. <br />Roll Call:Ayes-(S),lJay:o-(O). <br />Har:lffiersten moved, seconded by I.\ueller to continue pnhlic hearing on the vauat.ion of <br />Aldine Ph,ce.Roll Call:A:.res-(5),H2Ys-(0). J[r.May,wrd who was present with other property <br />ov:ners in cOJ~nection with thi¡:; vacation refused to make a commi ttrlent pertaining to <br />scrae right-of-way needed so the Aldine st. C3D be graded to 'TIake it possible to vacate <br />AldiƓ Place. <br />L~r.I:iorton requesteò an extension to the time given him to mov'3 the used cars 2nd junk <br />on the SW.comer of Lexington and Co.Rd.C. He was told that Octoberlst "hich is the date <br />¿,iv-en as a èe2ò line to clear t~e place could not be changed. <br />¡,')r.Luhrson repon,eè that the Count;y Equipments damaged Woodbridge Ave when SHCW waf <br />plowed this winter. He was told that the matter will be reported. <br />A p~tition by the residents on ìJo.Ra:rmonê AVE: W2S presentee:, objecting to the raising <br />and feeòing pigs in a exten(ìed~ manner near their properties. 11emb~ez ElOVeÒ,fOec, by <br />Ha'-¡;:lersten to refer tbò :üatter to our local I{ealth Board.Holl C2.11:A;;res-(5)NéJYs-(O). <br />