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<br />Villacre Council of Hoseville <br />}~eet~r:g--,_~~e~.~a;y ,!f.a.J~}st,~9S1 at 2 PH <br /> <br />148 <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />The ì1illa68 Council r,Jet on the above date yl'i th ths following ucmuers present: <br />l.:c: 811er, Hamrnersten, Vlil1..17luS , Carlson and Membrez. Ira Karon , attorney and :;<'rnllk Lei¡;en, <br />treasurer were é'.lso Fresent. <br />?rank Armstrong,Engineer submitted a propofial for the handling of ac:ditional <br />water through a pipe north of Robinson Lake that the County proposes to install <br />to crain Robinson Lake. This proposal shows that a 4éJ" pipe will be required to <br />accommodate the additional water if the Villabe decides to drain the portion of the <br />Village located between Hamline and Aldine street and Roselawn to the South. The <br />aciditional cost will be approx.lS to 16,000.00. It W2S decided to take it under <br />advisement. <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting and on motion by Hamnersten, <br />scconàed by I.Tueller, the were approved as read.Roll Call :Ayes-( 5) ,N:WS-( 0). <br />The Public Hearing on the rezoning r;¡atter of the following describeò rropert~r <br />was declared openRN: <br />The West 150 ft. of the East 183 ft. of the UOl?t!: 150 ft-of -the South 333 ft. of <br />the SE-:r of the NEi of Ser;t.12,t.29,r.23. <br />There oeing no one present to op~ose this rezoning,Hffiillnersten moved,sec, by Carl~on <br />to zone the 2bove property froN ?arN-residcnce District to Business District. Roll <br />call:AJ'es-(5) ,Nays-( 0). <br />The Public Hearing on the rezoning the following described -¡::roperty was alsa <br />declared open: <br />~']l~ rl(~st ..49 ft. of the East 327.h9 ft of the South 150 ft. of that part of <br />SE7,- of ~mt,sect.12,T.29,n.23,J:ling North of Tr::msit Ave. <br />There bein¿ no one present to oppose t'iÍs rezŒ1Íng, Willr:ms moved, seconòed by Carlson <br />to ;¡rone the above p:ropert~r from Farm-residence f!Ìf:trict to Business District. Roll <br />::;all: Ay 2s-L:ueller, ''vi 11Lms, Carlson,!,1embrez (4) ,Na~'s-Harm'1èr::ten (1). <br />ìõ;illmuR moved, seconded by Mueller to accept Rosewood Plat presented .Roll CDll: <br />Ayes-( S ) , ~!ays-( 0). <br />C3rlson Tnoved, seconùed hv Hammersten to issue a special p3rmi t for 6 month~, .f'ror.l <br />ths ?ate hereof to 1':a;me De Haven to reside iT; thi, 'basement of a home he pro;:oses to <br />tJ"Jild on Lot 1 of Cope's Sl,1).of SE±,sect.ll,T.29,H.23..Roll Call:A:\res-(5),Na;yf'-(0). <br />Uueller movect, Carlson to au.thorize 3 firemen to the stzòte Firemen <br />CD ,ver,U..on at Cloquet allowing 9t75.00 Derman for ;;<111:J\,yes-(5),!;ayp;-(0). <br />R:.ldv Keller offer to dedicate K:::ller's Mavflower Park lot 18 to the Village. <br />~.;l,,,,,ner ;ncved,~econd~d t'y E2IYlLlersten to Rcc9r;t".Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />!:;r.~:elL~r "lso inquired abol't Letting pen;lit~ to erect the prefabricatect !-tomes <br />:-;=.tl1ed !lPAGE Arm HILL" manufactured pt Shakopee,l'1inn. He was informed th3t the Council <br />",ill t<:ke it under fdviseI!1ent. <br />Il:o.;(c¡erpten !úoveè, Gec. by CarlE'on to continue -t,he Public Hearing on the peti :':;..on to <br />vace+'8 :~ldine Place to !:3~r l5th,19Sl.Roll C211 :Ayes-(5) ,Nays-( 0). <br />:.';~eller lr.oveè,sec.b;)r Carlson to pay the following billf':Holl Call:AyeE'-(5),IJays-(0) <br />Ww.A.Il.l'3J.ler U":'.OC D.ILHa;;J:ler"ten 60.00 Harry Ca.rlson 60.00 <br />Eàw2TÒ WElmus 60.00 Geo.Membrez 150.00 Frank Leinen 75.00 <br />Ira Karon 100.00 Clarellce :~.Strong 102020 !!iike Walsh <36.80 <br />Frank 'Weinholzer 100.00 Geo.Guligowski 35.00 Eè.Phillips Sons 2000.(ì0 <br />]oe KoAlska 529.00 Geo.Schulze ü7.00 Rosevillp Fire Dent. 316.00 <br />~'¡eber:, Trcseth l~h.31 71.J.','¡oll,Lfpls. w.7; Eit,e:r1p Piston Ring Co 10.00 <br />Gee.] .F~eiling Co lí:J7.S0 GOGHT .Reiling Go 30.75 Gopher st,::wp 1,Vorks 38.98 <br />Theo.C.Schultz 2ö.l¡2 Elsa ::.Cnst 7.61 n.L.Shiel;y Co 1918.37 <br />N.S.Power Co 6.04 R.S.Power Co 1.00 Feterf'ün's 150.CO <br />Frank Leinen 3~6.70 <br />Carl~oD movec1, f''3COnÒe0 hy \r.e':lbrez to continue meeting to Thursday,May 3rd,1951. <br />Roll Call :Ayes-(;)) ,Na;Y8-( 0). <br />Tl1e Fublic Hearing on the rezoning 0: the follçnving described porperty waf.; è3cl[ open <br />!1.'jcuth 125 ft.of tiw V;est 100 ft. of the East ~. of: th~/SW~ of the SW~ of the swi· of <br />sect L,T.29.R.23.ff ':llere aeing no 0118 pr("~c;:-t: tc- oppose this rezoning,Harmnerstcll moveè, <br />..c,:rlsor, -:c ZOLe from FarLJ-Rf'~åp~f:'rtct tc ~)IJE:!Ihe~~ n;.,Et,-,'1011 C"Ål:A:re~g~;fk:(O) <br />............ {f:;-- ~~ ~~L<~~-1 <br /> <br />