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<br />.. <br />..~ <br /> <br />VillaGe C01Jl1ci1 of Roseville <br />ne8tinc,Tuesday, Ju:n,e 5tL, E¡5l <.it co <br /> <br />152, <br /> <br />Tî ., ~ <br />;-' .";,, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The Village Council :]et on tl;.e a:Jove lIace vitt, Üle followin[ ':le:r:ilOeI'S }JTesent <br />Carlson, :'Jill.T:ms,',1enbrez,:¡Leller aì1d Ha...''lmersten. Ira Karoïl,Village attorney and <br />Frank Le:tnen 'i:.reasure1' He:ce also )resent. <br />The clerk read the ':1Ìnutes of the s,Tevious meeting of Nay 15th ¡Æ moti0n <br />b,7 è!ue=.::"er sec,nded èíeI'lbrez tr-HIf were aJ roved as reaëi. Roll caL, !~es(;); <br />~:~;¡'es. (C). .. <br /> <br />'The ~h1lLlìc T:eill'in[ on tte vacatinf' of Cn.AT,'FnrW ST. ìJetween Thmlap a.nd Fernwoud <br />as shown on plat of K?FT'þ;(IS l,'as declared o.,en. There being no ùne }JTesent <br />to om;ose vacatini' said stl'eetl1embrez moved seconded b. ;;Iuelle:c ttat vaca.tinf of <br />stre~t be p:ranted: Þ.yes(.5) ?ayes-(OI . <br /> <br />iv!r.7Jelson at.[:,orney for residents of Eidgewood Lane said the residents were <br />()~;posed to the 'Jpening of AIdine.'lace due to the condition of the road. <br />'fr. Eroad:,' att o1'ney for t}c,e Solstad 's t :'8;)' 1-Tere willing to go a.head and 2:raæ <br />Lldine Place at t,~--,-eir own e:{~ìense üXld :make it llseable for traffic as it "Vins <br />roin,.' to ta;ce a. few ;::cntl:s bofol"G Ald:L."1G Stro.]t could '.:,e graded d:le to drainage <br />problems confrontinr: the sitUß.tion as ::..t ::0,., stLnds. ;f,;:', ;'!c;(o.,)/:;::' Riôtowood 'Lno <br />said , tLat O~l:Q-, three. tome~ yToulC' be served ti:'.e o:enin(: of _ AIdine, Place 3~.::-t~n~ <br />that0Yio of tr:.e nomes na.d o"her means '];:Tess and inGress, so 01l..LJ one !,ODS \10U..LQ De <br />cenœfitcd now. <br /> <br />~ rr. BOJ~-er Gf \\'7" ~:oclside s&íd he \{as interested ir~ an over all :-.11an for t}~'.e are&. <br />concerne(~ Sf) the 0_ enine: of Aldine >rould be '1!Üre conveilÌent for t}¡e '-o.:,dside <br />area )eo~le ';oinC to the east,. <br />7fr. Robert TTtne of RidEe1.;roo( Lane se.icl their area and Hid Oa.ks are are units in <br />themselves, finding that out in a tax wis'c manner. Ee said he was CìraHYl to t:;e <br />area b~ the fact it Has semi . rivate 2nd felt AIdine 'Place sLoUJl EOt Le 0ener: <br />on accour~ of the safety of the children. <br /> <br />.,' <br /> <br />After :r:rLlch discussion ':1'0 Lnc} con '~.r . ','er:lorez suu~estec1 the construction of a .jC <br />fODt road on the existing rif;Lt of HEJ as a temporar;:l measure to relieve the <br />situation. <br /> <br />Karon, explained the procedUre necëssaxy;take.J'.,<?f .~,~SY~!Ì~c)~,t~~~Ÿ'Tína}r;~ght <br />.. ~UJr! Mueller m?Ved' seconded~;~~sòn 'that '26, <br />. 'Be condemed..(\y~s(5) Nayes(O) , "";~i;'! )/,..¡ <br />~~~.::~;.y,.,,,,,:/_,~,.,~_t, 'i;¡;./': ~ <br />seconded by lÆùèllerthat <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />'1 . <br /> <br />,.,.:. <br /> <br />Nr. KarOll ex~:Liüed ")-le procedure r.eeessary to take possesion of additional <br />.,right of wa:y by eminent domain. '{' <br />";1Ifùeller moved,seconded by Carlson the adoption of the following resolution, <br /> <br />Wh"EP..EAS, Aldine Street is a. duly laid out street in th'e <br />Village of Roseville extendL"1g north from Rosela.y~ Avenue, <br />~nd ;TE3EAS, trlat portion of Aldine street lying in the <br />ùoutneast .l-!4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the ::Tortheast 1/4 <br />Section l6,Township 29,Range 23 has been dedicated tc a <br />width of only thirty feet ,~"1d <br />ì'rf-EREAS,said Þ~dine Street extendinG across the ;.}roperty <br />herein[)efore described cannot [e :;jro~,e:z::ly o;..ened unless <br />a¿ditional right of way is acquired therefor across said <br />pro)erty,and <br />ìnIEIŒAS, an additionaL twenty feet is required for the <br />;,rGper opening of Alcline Street; <br /> <br />.'" <br />, <br /> <br />iWW 'C.sFEFOEE, I'I' IS F.sF~E:: rESOLVED, that the Village of <br />Roseville a.cquire the east2C feet of the East 152 feet. <br />of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast <br />'/4 of Sect'o I" '" j" 00 ~ ,~~ £' 'j . <br />... ~ l n o,~OwnSll... (,::I, ltange ...a,J.or 'Gle openlng of <br />AIdine Street north of Roselaw:.'1 as a public street. <br />