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<br />Continued Page II <br /> <br />160 <br /> <br />they have, saying 3 culverts drain water onto the property,asked if the Village would <br />be intereSted in acquiring 5 acres to be used as a park or playground. He was to <br />find out what the heirs 'Wanted for the property. <br /> <br />l't.r . Lloyd Hocraffer of Snelling and Roselawn 'WaS present and asked the Council what <br />could be done on st .Mary' s Lane as trucks hauling material to a home he is building <br />were getting stuck in the mud. Hrs Simmerman was also present and said there 'WaS a <br />misunderstanding about the grading of St.Ma.IJ"s lane. Clerk was asked to look up the <br />petition signed by the property owners asking ~or the type road wanted in the &rea. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Membrez moved seconded b,y Hammersten that we get a bid for the completion of grading <br />st .¥.tary 's tane. from Road Overseer and Ernest Marklam. Roll Call lIJ'es-(5) Nayes(l). <br /> <br />A letter 'WaS read from residents on Draper St coml~'laining about a basement home <br />that they feel should be completed. <br /> <br />A letter received from John Markus 2558 No. Lexington com~laining about sand fram <br />Chatsworth and Grandview running over his property was referred to \1!Ulmus~ <>.1' <br /> <br />A letter from Mr. Garvik was read asking the Vil.1.&ge to take over Sherren St. west <br />of Lexington was referred tb the road overseer. <br /> <br />A letter from Village of Falcon Heights asking for deliver.y of 87 fence posts due <br />them on the division of property of Rose Township was referred to Joe Koalska for <br />delivery. <br /> <br />The Clerk was asked to write a letter .to }fuxgolis Bros about the work they i~omised <br />to do on their Fruit st~1d. <br /> <br />Hembrez moved seconded by Maeller that Mr. Gottfreid be paid the final sum of 8·444. CO <br />for gravel taken from his pit. Roll Call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(C). <br />\ <br /> <br />Membrez moved seconded by Carlson that we accept Reiling Plat #2 Roll Call Ayes (4) <br />Na;'les-(C) . <br /> <br />A report on the bids for New Fire Barn was given and on motion by Hueller seconded <br />b;( Membrez both bids were rejected and we are to re-advertise wit10 complete <br />specifications. Roll Call Þ~es-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mueller moved seconded bJi' Hammersten that an architect be employed to draw up the <br />necessary detailed specifications for a new Fire Barn and be authorized to supervise <br />the construction. Roll call A;yes-(4) Na.:les-(O). t.fembrez to conta.ct ON ab,.ut <br />materials Deeding their OK. <br /> <br />Huel1~ moved seconded by Carlson that bills read be paid ,and Dr. Sekhon be paid <br />for his services as Health Officer from effective date until July 1st. Roll Call- <br />Ayes (4) Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Clerk was asked to write a letter to NorD~ Horton about cleaning up the mess he <br />has a.fter taking junk cars apart and to warn him his time was running short. <br /> <br />Membrez mmved seconded by Hammersten that we adjourn.Roll Call Ayes-(4) Nayes(O). <br /> <br />Elmer Kelm Col.Int Rev <br />.{¡,lice T ollin <br />Frank Weinho1.ser <br />P.G.Pedersen <br />'-lalter Booth Co <br />. Ñõrtnern States PõWêr' C¿' . <br /> <br />55.Cl . <br />99.7C . <br />l60.1C ' <br />414.78 ' <br />'8 .54 ' <br />1.93 \ <br /> <br />} Harvey Peterson <br />Mike Ì'Talsh <br />Oscar Gottfreid <br />Ira Karon <br />._.~M~:Èrf1~~. ~o.., <br /> <br />75.00 <br />96 .70 . <br />444.80 v <br />244.50 .,. <br />-, 18.96 v <br />525.48 .¡ <br />