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2020-2-4_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2020-2-4_PR Comm Packet
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1/30/2020 4:31:31 PM
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1/30/2020 4:31:20 PM
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environment <br />706.03: DEFINITIONS: <br />As used in this Chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to <br />them in this Section: <br />BOULEVARD: That property between the edge of the street and the property line (right-of- <br />way line). <br />EASEMENT: The right to use a defined part of real property held by others for a specific <br />purpose. <br />HAZARDOUS TREE: Any tree, as determined by the City Forester, to cause or have the <br />potential to cause harm to public or private property, following the guidelines set forth by <br />the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR). <br />HERBACEOUS PLANTS: Non-woody plants. <br />NUISANCE: Any shade tree pest or hazardous tree in the community threatening to cause <br />significant damage to another shade tree, or public or private property. <br />PROPERTY LINE: The legal boundary of a parcel of land. <br />PUBLIC TREE MASTER PLAN: Official comprehensive tree management plan, including, <br />but not limited to, a planting guide with regulations outlining acceptable tree species, <br />planting locations, planting techniques and treatments to limit the spread of shade tree pests <br />and maintain healthy trees. <br />PUBLIC TREE PERMIT: Written permission given by the City allowing a person(s) to <br />plant, trim, treat or remove a tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant on city public land. <br />PUBLIC UILITIES: Public water, storm sewer and sanitary lines. <br />RIGHT OF WAY: The surface and space above and below a public roadway, highway, <br />street, cartway, bicycle and public sidewalk in which the City has an interest, including other <br />dedicated rights of way for travel purposes, utility easements and any other real property <br />owned by or under the control of the City. <br />SHADE TREE PEST: Any vertebrate or invertebrate animal, plant pathogen, or plant in the <br />community threatening to cause significant damage to a shade tree or community forest, as <br />defined by Minn. Stat. £ 89.001. <br />SHRUB: A woody plant at maturity less than 20 feet tall with multiple stems at the ground <br />or branching within a few feet above ground. <br />TREE: A woody plant at maturity 20+ feet tall with a single stem and unbranched for <br />several feet above ground. <br />TREE TOPPING: Topping and tipping are pruning cuts made indiscriminately on limbs <br />with no regard for placing the cuts near protection zones. <br />TREE TRIMMING: Recommended trimming and pruning techniques are outlined in the <br />Public Tree Master Plan. Tree topping is not considered an appropriate tree trimming <br />technique and is specifically prohibited on all public lands. <br />706.04: TREE BOARD: <br />The Parks and Recreation Commission shall act in all matters relating to the advisement of <br />issues contained in this Chapter and all others relating to urban forest management within <br />the City, pursuant to City Code Chapter 203. <br />706.05: JURISDICTION: <br />A. The city shall have the power to plant, care for, maintain, remove, and replace all trees, <br />shrubs, and herbaceous plantings located within any street right of way, parks and public <br />places within the City limits. <br />B. The city shall have control over the planting, care, maintenance, removal and replacement <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />
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