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Roseville 2040 <br />Chapter 13: Implementation <br />Goal <br />Action or Strat <br />Who <br />When <br />Ongoing? <br />How ($) <br />Encourage dedication of parks, open spaces, <br />and trails in new development and <br />Parks and Recreation <br />City funds, park <br />redevelopment areas, especially those that <br />and Community <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />dedication, dedication <br />preserve significant natural resources and/or <br />Development staff <br />adjacent to the subject site. <br />Create, adopt, and use Natural Resources <br />City funds, grants, <br />Management Plans to preserve, restore, and <br />Parks and Recreation <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />contributions, grants, <br />manage the significant natural resources in <br />staff <br />contributions <br />the park system. <br />Preserve wooded areas and implement an <br />Preserve significant <br />aggressive reforestation and forestry <br />natural resources, lakes, <br />management program to ensure that <br />Parks and Recreation <br />City funds, grants, <br />ponds, wetlands, open <br />Roseville has a substantial aesthetically <br />staff <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />contributions, grants, <br />spaces, wooded areas, <br />pleasing and environmentally critical tree <br />contributions <br />wildlife habitats, and <br />population in its parks, open spaces, <br />trees as integral aspects <br />boulevards, and other City property. <br />Provide community environmental education <br />of the parks system. <br />programs to increase the community's <br />Parks and Recreation <br />City funds, grants, <br />awareness, understanding, and appreciation <br />and Administration <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />contributions, grants, <br />of natural areas, including the need fortrees, <br />staff <br />contributions <br />proper tree care, planting procedures, and <br />critical habitat for pollinators. <br />Cooperate with the three watershed districts <br />with jurisdiction over parks in Roseville to <br />Parks and Recreation, <br />effect water quality improvement projects <br />and Public Works <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />City funds, grants, <br />within parks, and to create landscapes that <br />staff, watershed <br />contributions <br />are sensitive to stormwater management <br />districts <br />goals for park lands. <br />Chapter 13 1 Page 31 <br />