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Goal <br />Roseville 2040 Chapter 13: Implementation <br />Action or Strategy Who <br />When Ongoing? How ($) <br />Continue to participate in Minnesota's <br />GreenStep Cities program, working towards <br />becoming a Step 3, 4, and 5 City by <br />Public Works, and <br />Medium- <br />Medium - <br />implementing additional best practices, <br />Administration staff <br />X <br />term <br />reporting on performance metrics, and <br />demonstrating improvement across multiple <br />metrics. <br />Using the Population Vulnerability <br />Take action to equitably <br />Assessment and Climate Adaptation <br />Public Works, and <br />reduce climate -related <br />Framework, develop a Resilience Plan that <br />Community <br />Long-term City funds, grants <br />risks to City residents. <br />establishes community resilience goals and <br />Development staff <br />strategies. <br />Incorporate energy efficiency and renewable <br />energy strategies into the City's Greenhouse <br />Public Works staff <br />Short-term City funds, grants <br />Gas Action Plan. <br />Protect access to direct sunlight for solar <br />energy systems through revisions to the <br />Community <br />Support increased <br />City's planning, zoning, and development <br />Development staff <br />Short-term <br />City funds <br />adoption of renewable <br />regulations while minimizing potential <br />energy by protecting <br />adverse impacts to other natural resources. <br />access to direct sunlight <br />Strive to source 100% of the electricity used <br />and supporting the <br />for City operations from renewable sources <br />development of local <br />such as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, <br />Public Works staff <br />Long-term <br />City funds, grants <br />renewable energy <br />and wind by 2040, with a minimum of 25% in <br />installations. <br />on -site generation at City properties. <br />Strive to produce enough solar electricity <br />within City boundaries to meet 10%of City- <br />Medium- <br />wide electricity use by 2030, which aligns <br />Public Works staff <br />City funds, grants <br />with Minnesota's solar energy goal (M.S. <br />term <br />216B.1962). <br />Chapter 13 I Page 37 <br />