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2/21/2020 3:35:26 PM
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2/21/2020 3:32:38 PM
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Public Works Commission
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KICK-START PROJECTS <br />Three projects, described herein, have been identified to help launch the city's CAP. The intention of these <br />projects is to provide initial focus for the city and its partners to implement specific actions that will provide <br />momentum for implementing the CAP. <br />PROJECT 1: Youth -led initiative to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy in the community <br />St. Louis Park's youth have been instrumental in working with the city to advance its efforts to reduce <br />greenhouse gas emissions, and it will be critical to maintain the involvement of students to accomplish the goals <br />of the plan. The Roots and Shoots Club, supported by Matter, at St. Louis Park High School will initiate a <br />student -led project to increase the adoption of green power purchases, clean energy, and/or energy efficiency <br />actions in the city. This may involve working directly with the school district to help it adopt and achieve goals <br />consistent with the city's goals; an outreach effort to get fellow students to encourage their families to sign-up <br />for green power and decrease energy use; or an educational campaign for residents and small businesses to <br />understand their solar resource and guide them toward installing solar on their rooftops. <br />While it is important for this project to be initiated and implemented by the youth, the city should support <br />efforts, identify big -impact opportunities, and maintain an active relationship as the project advances. <br />PROJECT 2: Develop a climate action plan resource hub <br />This effort will require city staff, residents, and businesses to move together to achieve deep emissions <br />reduction by 2040. Through branding, communication, and outreach, the city can make it clear what it needs <br />from the community and provide resources to help people participate in energy saving and clean energy <br />initiatives. A CAP Resource Hub (see Seattle) will serve as a one -stop destination for businesses and residents to <br />find information to improve efficiency, install solar, purchase green power, participate in a bulk purchase of <br />electric vehicles, and more. The hub should be easily accessible on the city's website and have clearly identified <br />resources for residents and businesses to take advantage of multiple opportunities. <br />City staff will be responsible for developing the CAP Resource Hub. There are several recommendations and <br />resources throughout this document to include in this project (Appendix D). <br />PROJECT 3: Install electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in public parking lots <br />Transforming how people move within the city will be one of the biggest challenges for St. Louis Park. There are <br />several options the city can consider to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles. While the biggest <br />impact will come from reducing vehicle miles traveled, there will still be people who need and want to drive. In <br />recognition of this limitation, the city should encourage residents to choose electric vehicles (EVs) and <br />accelerate the adoption of zero emission vehicles. <br />For this project, the city will provide charging infrastructure for EVs in public parking lots. This will include <br />parking lots associated with city -owned buildings, city parks, and school buildings. The charging stations should <br />be highly visible, educational, and incorporate any branding the city develops as part of its climate action efforts. <br />The city already has a charger in the City Hall parking lot and has included an additional electric vehicle charger <br />in its 2019 Capital Improvement Plan; this should be expanded to include public locations listed above, as well as <br />educational material. <br />
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