<br />Meeting Tuesday,September 18 1951 2.00P.M.
<br />
<br />171
<br />
<br />The Village Council met on the above date with the follo~ring members present
<br />Carlson,Willmus,Membrez,Mueller and Hammersten. Ira Karon Vil~ge Attorney was
<br />also present.
<br />
<br />The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting of Sept.4 and on motion
<br />by Mueller,seconded by Carlson they were approved as read. Roll Call-Ayes (5)
<br />Nayes-(O).
<br />
<br />"c
<br />
<br />The hearL~g on the vacating of a strip of land adjoining the south side of"
<br />Midland Hills Golf Course was declared o)6n. There being no one l,resent opposirJg
<br />said viicating. Membrez moved,seconded by Carlson that the following described
<br />property be vacated. Roll Call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O).
<br />That there is a duly dedicated street,33 feet in width,
<br />abutting the North line of said lots 1 to Q inclusive,
<br />Boardman's FIVE ACRE Lots; also abutting the South line of
<br />the North ·:alf of Northeast QuarteÐ,Sec.17 T29,R25;which
<br />street commences at tLe point on the south line of the Nortt
<br />Half of Northeast Quarter,Sec17,T29, R23,53 feet east of the
<br />southwest corner of said north half of Northeast Quarter,Sec17
<br />T29,R25;thence running South 53 feet to the Northwest corner
<br />of Lot,8 Boardman's Five Acre tots; thence running 55 feet in width
<br />east, along said souk line of said North Half of Northeast ~ter
<br />S17,T29,R23; and along the north line of said Lots 1 to 8 inclusive,
<br />Boardman's Five Acre Lots.to Cleveland Ave. formerly known as
<br />!1ississippi.
<br />
<br />Geo Brown 1515 Burke complained about a neighbor residing in a garage and lot
<br />st~ with debris and junk.After some discussion the ~tter was referred to the
<br />Building Inspector.
<br />
<br />Mr. Swanson appeared with a petition for Mrs .Amelia Ashbach for the rezoning of
<br />Lot 1 Block,l Ashbach Park from Clasa"A" to Class "B". Membrez moved, seconded by
<br />Carlson that petition be accepted and public hearing be held on Oct. 2 at 2.00?h!.
<br />Roll caE Ayes-(5) ?iayes (0).
<br />
<br />Mr. & Mrs Gilbertson of 501 So. Exchange St. were present complaining about sand
<br />and sewage running down on their property at corner ofWoodruff and McCarron Blvd.
<br />They were told the letter they had written about the condition was in the ~ds
<br />of the Health Dept. for investigation.
<br />
<br />Mr. Jack Metz of 690 W. Co.Rd. C was present and voiced his objection to the
<br />junk yard being started at 674 W. Co. Rd.C. He was told no petition had been
<br />presented as yet for rezoning of said property 8..'1d if one was accepted,noticea
<br />of a hearing would be posted.
<br />
<br />Discussion was held on the condition of Pleasant st north of Roselawn. It not
<br />being a dedicmted strået there was nathing we could do to it.
<br />
<br />The Clerk was asked· to contact Joe Koalska and have him look at Mid Oaks Lane to
<br />see if there was enough dirt available for a country type road.
<br />
<br />Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that we establish grade for country section
<br />on Mid Oaks lIMe and have grade stakes placed. Roll Call Ayes- (5) Neyes (0).
<br />~ tJ\1)
<br />The Clerk read a resolution from the Board of Water Commissioners City of St.
<br />~fci:~F~~~ thrgeJ~a;::~f: the uses and purposes 0: Water~orl'~.~oad.
<br />
<br />..-. RESOL¥KI),þat-:t.he council·or tbeC1ty0' st.Paw.,a..JIUÙQ.paJ. .corpørat1on of the
<br />COWlty-..r--Raaaey,sute.. o£...JI1¡me.o1ia.,1.n..its. Ø1IJ1-NhaJ.f ...4a"'Oehalt' .1..· .aid ·CityJQoes
<br />hereòy, appire.,e Íind concur in the resolution of the Board of Yater C~.8ioners of the
<br />City of st.påul,adopted under date of the 7th dq of september,1951 providing therefor
<br />and granting,subject to varioua proviaions,teras and conditiona therein expressed,a
<br />perpetual easement for the uses and purposes of a public road,unto thee·Village of Roae-
<br />ville,of the County of Ramsey,State of Kinnesota,as truatee,for-the benefit of the pu~lic,
<br />in,over, and across the surface of lands therein deacribed and co_only kno. and desJ.gn-
<br />ated aa "Waterworks Road" in aaid Village,and heretofore duly acquired either by purchase
<br />or by condemnation by said City and said a>ard and now owned, held and used by said Board
<br />for waterworks purposes: be it
<br />FURTHER RESOLVED.That the Council of said City and said City of St.Paul hereby
<br />approve,concurin,adapt,ratify and confiI'll the action of the a>ard of Water Colll1li.ssioners
<br />in the premises as represented in and by its aforesaid resolution.
<br />Adopted by the Council September 11 1951.
<br />
<br />Approved SepteJlber 11 1951
<br />
<br />Meabrez aoved,seconded by Hammersten that the above resolution be adopted. Roll call-
<br />Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O).
<br />