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Attachment A <br />2 <br />According to the draft City of Roseville 2040 FutureLand Use Map,the planned <br />land use for the site is community mixed-use andis also identified as a <br />development-redevelopment, which are areas identified by the city for <br />development, redevelopment, re-use, intensification, infill, or improvement by <br />2040. <br />3 <br />Thrive MSP 2040is the Metropolitan Council’s future vision for the regionand <br />includes policy plans on transportation, housing, water resources, and regional <br />parks. Thrive MSP 2040identifies theCity of Roseville asanurban community, <br />which is a transition city between the urban core and suburban communities. <br />Urban communities are expected to plan for forecasted population growth at a <br />higher density of at least 10 units per acre forredevelopment.In addition, urban <br />communities are expected to targetintensive redevelopment areas near <br />regional transit investments, in order to ease the transition into more auto- <br />dependent suburban communities. <br />iii.Zoning, including special districts or overlays such as shoreland, floodplain, wild <br />and scenic rivers, critical area, agricultural preserves, etc. <br />Current Zoning <br />4 <br />The existing zoning of the site is CMU-4. The City of Roseville defines the CMU-4 <br />District as follows: “Community Mixed-Use Districts are designed to encourage the <br />development or redevelopment of mixed-use centers that may include housing, <br />office, commercial, park, civic, institutional, and open spaces.”The CMU-4 District <br />allows the highest density of mixed-use development in the City of Roseville. The <br />2040 Plan guides the property as a “Development-Redevelopment Area”. <br />Overlay Districts <br />The project site is not located within a shoreland, floodplain, wild and scenic river, <br />critical area, or agricultural preserve. <br />b.Discuss the project’s compatibility with nearby land uses, zoning, and plans listed in Item <br />9a above, concentrating on implications for environmental effects. <br />The majorityof theproposed projectis compatible with theproposedland use <br />and zoning for the site;however, a fewproject elements, as seen inTable4 <br />requirea conditionalusepermit todeviate from the standard code. <br />2 <br />City of Roseville 2040 Future Land Use Map. Available at: <br /> <br />3 <br />Thrive MSP 2040. Available at: <br />2040-Plan-(1)/ThriveMSP2040.aspx <br />4 <br />Roseville Zoning Map, January 2019. Available at: <br /> <br />Twin Lakes Station6 March 2020 <br /> <br />