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<br />I <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting Tuesd~ October 2 1951 at 2.00 P.M. <br /> <br />114 <br /> <br />The Village Council .et on the above date with the following m_bers present, <br />Carlson, "illmus, Xeabrez,Xu.ller md H.....rst.n. Frank t.inen,Treasurer wal!! also <br />pr~sent. Ira Ku-on Village Attorney was abseht. <br /> <br />The Cl.rk the ainut.s ot the pr.vious m..ting of 18th. md on Jlotion <br />by Ku.ner s.conded by they w.r. approv.d as Roll CaJ.l- Ayes (5) <br />Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The hearing on the r.zoning ot the Ashbach prop.rty was d.clared 0PfD, There b.1ag <br />no one pre..nt obj.cting.On Jlotion by Uu.ller,s.conded by H....rst.n the tollowing <br />describ.d property was rezoR.d trOll Class n A "Residential to Class "B" Residential <br />tot 1 Block 1 Ashbach Park <br />Roll Call Aye.-(5) N~es (0). <br /> <br />The heariAg on the r.zoning of the application of Thorwald Brown was declar.d open <br />Ther. being no one pre.ent objecting. OR motion by K.mbr.zaseconded by Hammeraten <br />the fellowing deacribed prop.rty was rezoned froll Class"! to Fara R.sidenc.. <br />tot 32 ot Thornton'. Subdiviaioh ot the H,E, ì <br />of S.c.13, Town 29, Range 23, <br />Roll Call Ay.s- (5) Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The hearing on the rezoning of D.J.Hitzeman 674 W.County Road "cn for the reso.iag <br />of The "fiat one-half of West one halt ot the 'last <br />one half of the Northeast Quarter of Sec.ll <br />Town 29,Rang. 23, from a Farm R.aidence to an Industrial <br />District was declar.d .pen. <br />Mr. Hitzeman was asked what he planned to do on the property up tor rezoning. <br />He stated that he bought and sold cars,Junked sOlle,and burned ethers. Buying and <br />selling about ten or .ore cars a week. <br /> <br />Mr. John. Levin his attorney showed the Council lIome pictures of the property in <br />question,'1'e1.lµ1g abòu't the censervatien ef vital metal.,and th.t 1Ir. was <br />a disabled veteran md could not fellow his regular line af work, that of a crane <br />and shevel operater. <br /> <br />There being no one else present to speak in 1Ir. Hitze.a's behalf, 1Ir. Thos. <br />spence attorney for the adjoining neighbors spoke in opposition to the rezoning, <br />stating that the petition as first presented had s..e changes aade in it~Yr.Spence <br />presented a petiti.n signed b~ 10 neighbor. who had si¡ned the origihal petition <br />withdrawin¡ their support of Kr.Hitseaan. 1Ir. Spence al.o pro.ented aeae picture. <br />o! the hue. iJa the area with a 'Valuation ef $l4,000 or .ere tl1at would aet 1Iave <br />the valuati.. it the prepert,. was rezened. IIr.Spence asked it there were other. ia <br />the roo 1ÒI.O were opposed to the re..niag and seDenteell per.o.. stood up. <br />Vr. Smith a aut door lIeighbor said the aoi8e fro. car. witheut aurner8 <br />driviJag ia md out was bad ad s.oke fre. tàe burnin¡ of cars penetrated the <br />livin¡ reo. .&king it URbearable to stay ift the house,ad he was apposed te the <br />rezoning of the property. <br />)Ir. Ketz coaplained abeut the establishing of a junk yard aovin¡ right in and <br />doing busiJae.8 without obtaiDin¡ a perait of so.e kind,and in violatien of <br />Village ordinances. <br />lIr.tevin in rebuttal said the affected propertý could be rezoned back te res- <br />idential preperty by action of the Village Council if the7 8e desired. <br />Mayor Kueller asked 1Ir. Hitsema wh;y he went ahead and started this bU8i- <br />ness without consulting SOlie of the Village CoUftcil,and he said he did not know. <br />There beiag 110 ene else present to speat fer or against the rezoniag, <br />Meabrez aoved,seconded by Mueller that the application be denied. Rell Call- <br />Ayes (5) Hayes- (0). <br />