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striping and signage. The road will be open during the work. Work is expected to <br />begin in August and be completed by the end of September. <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation updates: <br />• I-35W MnPASS project- <br />httD:// <br />o Construct MnPASS Express Lanes (one lane in each direction) in the middle of <br />existing I-35 W between County Road C in Roseville and Lexington Avenue <br />(County Rd 17) in Blaine. <br />o Repave I-35W and ramps between County Road C in Roseville to just north of <br />Sunset Ave (County Road 53) in Lino Lakes. <br />o Replace and repair bridges along the project area <br />o Install noise walls on the east side of I-35W just north of the County Road C <br />ramps to County Road D. <br />o Rosegate west of Cleveland Avenue will be closed through November to <br />accommodate bridge reconstruction. <br />o Contract was awarded in October 2018 to Ames Construction which had the <br />winning Design/Build Proposal. Total cost is $208 million. <br />o Work is ongoing and will continue through 2021. <br />City Council Update: <br />• The Civic Campus Master Plan was presented to the City Council a third time on <br />July 20h'. The Commission will receive a full update of that presentation as part of the <br />regular meeting tonight. <br />• All Council and Commission meetings continue to be virtual. That will remain the case <br />for at least one more month. <br />• Roseville did implement a Required Mask Order on Monday, July 201h. However, the <br />state implemented its own statewide mandate on Wednesday, July 22°d, superseding the <br />City's order. <br />• Several plats and developments were approved by Council over the past couple of <br />months including an affordable housing project adjacent to Byerly's on County Road C, <br />and a townhome development along Lexington Ave south of County Road C2. <br />• The Council, acting as the City's Economic Development Authority, provided positive <br />feedback and initial approval for the City to use federal CARES Act funds to provide <br />financial support and relief to small businesses in Roseville. <br />Major Maintenance Activities: <br />• Street and Storm <br />o Finished street message painting and refreshed all Parks parking lots. <br />o Completed mulching Twin Lakes Parkway, County Road C and Larpenteur <br />streetscape areas. <br />o Ongoing irrigation monitoring and repairs as needed. <br />o Completed 3rd mowing of City ROW areas. <br />o Ongoing weed spraying and removals. <br />o Ongoing spray patching and milling/patching delamination areas. <br />o Started crack sealing project. <br />o Ongoing every 3-week compost turning. <br />o Ongoing dead limb removals on EAB trees ... wish the removals of EAB trees <br />would increase to lessen Street Maintenance response to dead limbs. <br />o Ongoing catch basin repair mortar profiling. <br />o Ongoing Street sign repairs. <br />