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7/24/2020 3:46:57 PM
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7/24/2020 3:36:32 PM
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Public Works Commission
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m <br />82 6. Communication Items <br />83 Mr. Culver provided a brief review and update on projects and maintenance <br />84 activities listed in the staff report dated June 23, 2020. <br />85 <br />86 Youth Commissioner Lynch arrived at 6:58 p.m. <br />87 <br />88 Member Misra indicated her appreciation to the staff for keeping everything <br />89 running as smoothly and seamlessly as it has been during the pandemic. She asked <br />90 for more information on the park land that would be dedicated as a result of the <br />91 development of the area on the east side of Lexington and would it be developed as <br />92 a park or more as a natural area. <br />93 <br />94 Mr. Culver reviewed the plans with the Commission. <br />95 <br />96 7. MS4 Annual Meeting <br />97 Mr. Culver explained in 2003, Roseville received a permit from the MPCA <br />98 regarding how the City manages the discharge of storm water into public waters. <br />99 He presented a summary of what the city's plan is to reduce the amount of sediment <br />100 and pollutants that enter surface water from storm sewer systems. He noted the <br />101 PWETC is asked to receive public comments. <br />102 <br />103 Mr. Johnson made a presentation to the Commission. <br />104 <br />105 Youth Member Lynch asked if the debris that is swept up good or bad. <br />106 <br />107 Mr. Johnson indicated in this case from the stormwater side it is bad debris. It is a <br />108 lot of sediment, leaves and sticks. Once sediment gets into the water it gets really <br />109 expensive to pull out. <br />110 <br />111 Mr. Johnson continued with his presentation. <br />112 <br />113 Member Hammer asked if there has been any data comparison for salt used versus <br />114 temperatures because it appears that the salt usage has gone up over the years. <br />115 <br />116 Mr. Culver indicated more salt is used in the winter months due to thawing and <br />117 refreezing of the roads which is contributed to the temperature changes in recent <br />118 years. <br />119 <br />120 Mr. Johnson wrapped up his presentation. <br />121 <br />122 Chair Wozniak remembers when the biggest threat to water quality was not <br />123 stormwater, it was industrial pollution and that is no longer the case. Now <br />124 stormwater quality is the biggest impact on surface water quality and is such a big <br />125 problem to control because it is non -point. It is really difficult to get people to <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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