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Kimley>Morn <br />immmIII 1►[ewsmkiieiiIII Lei kimi <br />Fairview Avenue is a four -lane divided roadway the runs north -south through the City of Roseville. The <br />existing Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is 24,500 vehicles per day south of County Road B2 and <br />13,800 vehicles per day north of County Road B2. <br />County Road B2 is a four -lane divided roadway that runs in an east -west direction through the City of <br />Roseville. The existing AADT is 11,000 vehicles per day west of Fairview Avenue and 14,200 vehicles per <br />day east of Fairview Avenue. <br />Peak period turning movement counts were performed at the study intersections in January 2019 and <br />February 2019, and accounts for the opening of Portillo's and the closure of Herberger's. Exhibit 5 <br />summarizes the existing turning movement volumes for the weekday PM peak hour and the Saturday peak <br />hour. Volumes were balanced on Fairview Avenue and County Road B2 W between intersections. Raw <br />turning movement count data is provided in Appendix A. <br />As previously discussed, the South Campus Master Plan includes converting the existing one-way ring road <br />to a two-way ring road. With that assumption, Exhibit 6 provides the anticipated intersection geometrics for <br />the major internal intersections. As part of this conversion, the northbound approach at the intersection of <br />Fairview Avenue & Mall Entrance #1 was assumed to be modified, in particular, the outside northbound <br />through lane would be converted from a shared through -right lane to exclusively a through lane, leaving <br />only one right turn lane into Rosedale Center. This is needed to eliminate potential weaving on the internal <br />roadway between Fairview Avenue and Internal Intersection #1. <br />Existing traffic volumes into and out of Rosedale Center were redistributed based on the assumption of the <br />two-way internal ring road. Rosedale Center was broken into four quadrants, and the total entering and <br />exiting trips were split four ways evenly. From there, the existing trips were distributed by quadrant to each <br />of the site access connections along Fairview Avenue and County Road B2 based on the global trip <br />distribution assumptions provided in Exhibit 3. The total number of trips entering and exiting the Rosedale <br />Center remained constant from what was collected in January and February 2019, however, some volumes <br />may increase or decrease at each access along Fairview Avenue and County Road B2. Exhibit 7 provides <br />the adjusted turning movement volumes for existing conditions. <br />PLANNED ROADWAY/INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS <br />There are no funded and/or committed roadway or intersection improvements assumed as part of this traffic <br />analysis. <br />Rosedale Center I Traffic Impact Analysis <br />January 2020 Update <br />