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Kimley>Morn <br />The intersections listed below have movements that are not operating at an acceptable level of service <br />during the weekday PM peak hour and/or Saturday peak hour. All other intersections (and their movements) <br />are operating at LOS D or better during the weekday PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour. <br />Fairview Avenue at TH 36 (EB) — During the weekday PM and Saturday peak hours, the westbound <br />left -turn movement is operating at LOS E. This is due to the queue spillback from the westbound right - <br />turn movement. <br />Fairview Avenue at TH 36 (WB) —During the Saturday peak hour, the northbound left -turn and through <br />movements are operating at LOS E. This is due to poor lane utilization for northbound traffic where the <br />majority of the through traffic is utilized the outside lane to position themselves to enter Rosedale Center <br />at the downstream intersection. <br />Fairview Avenue & County Road 132 — During the Saturday peak hour, the eastbound approach is <br />anticipated to operate at LOS E/LOS F. This is due to the lack of a dedicated eastbound right -turn lane. <br />Vehicle Queue Deficiencies <br />Vehicle queues were summarized based on the Synch ro/S i mTraff ic analysis, and are provided in the <br />summary table in Appendix D. The analysis compared the anticipated 951h percentile queue to the existing <br />storage provided at the turn lanes. Following provides a list of turn lane deficiencies, where the 95th <br />percentile queue exceeded the provided storage by at least 25 feet (one vehicle length): <br />Fairview Avenue & TH 36 (WB) —The northbound left -turn and right -turn lanes exceed the provided <br />storage, due to the through lanes spilling back beyond entry into the turn lanes. <br />Fairview Avenue & County Road 132 — The westbound left -turn lane is anticipated to exceed the <br />provided storage. However, the extending the left -turn lane is limited by the eastbound left -turn lane at <br />the intersection of County Road B2 & Mall Entrance #2. <br />County Road 132 & Mall Entrance #2 — The eastbound right -turn lane is anticipated to exceed the <br />provided queue, however, there is no opportunity to provide more storage due to its proximity to <br />Fairview Avenue. <br />County Road 132 & Mall Entrance #3 —The westbound right -turn lane is anticipated to exceed the <br />provided queue, this is due to the westbound through queue spill back beyond the entry into the right - <br />turn lane. <br />SHORT-TERM BACKGROUND (2024) OPERATIONS SUMMARY <br />Table 3 provides Short -Term Background (2024) delay and LOS for both the weekday PM and Saturday <br />peak hours. The analysis represents 5-year growth in the background volumes to 2024. Table C and Table <br />D (included in Appendix C) provides the delay and LOS for each individual movement for the weekday PM <br />and Saturday peak hours. <br />Rosedale Center I Traffic Impact Analysis <br />January 2020 Update <br />