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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />YILUGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting, Wednesrlay January 2 1952 at 2.00P.M. <br /> <br />187 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present.Car1son, <br />W111mus,Membrez,Connor and Hammersten.Frank Leinen,Treas. was also present. <br />Harry Carlson Trustee,Frank Leinen,Treas,and N.C.Ne1son,Constable elected to their <br />respective office3 took their oaths according to law. Nic Lebens,Justice of the Peace and <br />Geo.S.Connor had taken their oaths previous to the meeting, <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of Dec. 18 and on motion by <br />\!embrez,seconded by Willmus they were approved as read. Roll Call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br />The Clerk reported that Mr.J.E.P.Darrell of the Highwat Dept.would be present at 3.00 <br />o'clock to diSCURS speed and traffic problems in the Village,also that members of the <br />Lexington P.T.A. were notified as to Mr.Darrell being present as they had a problem in <br />connection with their school two months ago, <br />Mr. Ernest Markham was present and inquirer! about road work being done with a team of <br />horses,saying that method of road work was outmoded years ago. The clerk was asked to get <br />the figures on work done with the team and truck the past summer. <br />Hammersten moved,seconded by Membrez that the ...k....~....... st.Anthony Bank: be <br />designated as depositor): for Village funrls,attdlthâ.tUre hJye··f,ñèm :r~.tstlo~O,OOO of U.S. <br />securities. RollÇall'Ayes¡,.f5) Nayes (0). <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Carlson that the Falcon Heights state Bank be designated as <br />depository for Village Liquor store receipts and they furnish $20,000.00 of TJ.S.Securities <br />Roll Call Ayes*(5) Nayes (0). ' <br />Mr.Hubert Leier of 1891 No. chatswodh. present inquiring about various matters, <br />n~t.v the surfacing of Chatsworth,Holding meetings at night , building inspection,anò speed <br />and parking on Lexington near Rose1awn. He was told the matters referred to would be taken ' <br />under advisement. <br />Mr. Darrell of they Highway Dept.arrived at 3.15 and discussed speed problems with us <br />on Trunk Highways running through the Village. He stated that traffic usually set their <br />pattern for driving. If you set up controls that are not reasonable you will run into a lot <br />of trouble. The Village governing boqy rloes not have jurisdiction over speed limits on state <br />Highways throughout the village , that is up to the Highway Commissioner. More people are <br />killed at 20.m.p.h. than are killed at speed over 20 m.p.h. <br />The highway department is making speed checks every day and w01Üd be willing to make <br />one in Roseville,They,will make an actual sample of T.H.8 and would have no objection to <br />reducing speeds if necessary. <br />Mr. C.P.Doherty of Ridgewood Lane complained about the road problems in his area, saying <br />water stands in the road due to improper drainage and that the roads are not oiled more <br />than once a year and at one time the residents håê!l' :tihe road oiled themselves. It was oiled <br />on July 7 this last year. The mayor promised something would be done about it. <br />An application from the Falcon Oil Co. to operate 8 pumps at Lexington & Dionne st was <br />read,and on motion by Membrez,seconded by Carlson the application was approved and clerk <br />instructed to issue lic~nse. Roll Call Ayes-(5) Nayes -(0). <br />Mr. Connor ¡md'Ha1bmèrstèniOwere-to'øeè 1Jp:lt8~ Stepnitz AgenCjT for space on the north <br />end of the Lexington Plaza and inquire about a lease for the space we wanted. <br />M~or Connor appointed Membrez,Willmus,and Carlson to ~ake charge of, the temporary work <br />and make necessary plans for the future of the building at Lexingbon and C. <br />Membrezmoved, seconded by Carlson that the following bills be paid. <br />Wm.Mueller 80.00 Harry Carlson 60.0Q Edw.1Ullmus <br />Geo.Membrez 60.00 B.H.Hammersten 150.00 Ira Karon <br />Frank Leinen 75.00 Geo Guligòwski 35.00 Dr.M. S.'Sekhon <br />Ed.Phillips Sons 1850.91 Griggs Cooper Co. 2068,09 Geo Guligowski <br />Burroughs Add. Mach.458.10 J.L.Shiely Co 170.13 Des Lauriers Agency <br />Walter S.Booth 18.43 Jos. Koa1ska h8.00 Mixed Aggregates Co. <br />Des LauriersAgency 64.00 Dr. Ausman & Kelsey 17.00 Walter S.Booth Co. <br />First Nat'l B~lk 3100.75 Milton Bahneman 225.00 Alice Tollin <br />Mike Walsh 93.70 Catherine Lang 51.90 Frank Weinholzer <br />Ole To11in 139.62 Mrs Harvey Peterson 382.59 Frank Leinen <br />Distillers Distb.Co1852.hJ Famous Brands 588.31 Old Peoria Co. <br />Griggs Cooper Co. 164.33 Ed. Phillips Co 1312.99 Midwest Wine Co. <br /> <br />60.00 <br />100.00 <br />25.00 <br />3.00 <br />156.96 <br />109.60 <br />7.00 <br />87.20 <br />149.30 <br />114.08 <br />2102.46 <br />540.05 <br />
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