<br />Special Meeting,Monday Eve.January 28th,1952 8 O'clock r.~r.. .
<br />
<br />The Village Council met on the above date in Special session with the following
<br />memberf present. Carlson,Willmus,Membrez,Connor,and Hammersten.
<br />Mr. Klohn of 1954 Malvern st W;lS present ?lith a gr01¡I' of neighbor::,he acting as
<br />spokesman for the group, telling the council members of their water and sewerage problems.
<br />and asking if we had an answer. The group had contacted two members of the Lauderdale
<br />council and discussed the possibility of the area joining up with Lauderdale for water
<br />and sewage facilities,w1d were told that they would be willing to ask the re5iden~s for
<br />another bond issue to take care of the extension needed to service the group. They were
<br />told that th~ matter would be looked into and a report to them by Feb. 19th.
<br />The Clerk submitted the financial report of the Village for 19~1 showing the Village
<br />in a sound financial way. Discussion was held on various 'rf;.Ys of handling building permits
<br />and fees. Clerk was asked to check with other villages and townships is to there way of
<br />handling them.
<br />Hammersten moved,seconded by Willmus that George Indykiewicz be granted permission to .¥
<br />operate a public dump on his property located in the South 20 acres of the NE ~ of Sec.5
<br />T29,R23. and keep it in æl orderly manner. Fees to be charged are 25¢ per trailer and
<br />50¢ for a truck load. Roll Call, Ayes (5) Nayes (0).
<br />Carlson moved, seconded by Connor that we rent out a portion of the garage building to
<br />the Columbia Transit Corp, for minor repairs on their school busses on a month to month
<br />basis. at a charge of SeKenty-five(75.00) per month. beginning Feb.lst.Rol1 Call,Ayes(5)
<br />Nayes-( 0).
<br />Hwmnersten moved, seconded. by Carlson that Art Carrier be asked to continue looking
<br />after the newly acquired building until other arrangements are made. Roll Ca1l,Ayes*(5)
<br />Nayes*( 0).
<br />Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that we authorize the mayor to secure the necess-
<br />ary fixtures and shelving for the new liquor store at a. cost not to exceed $ 1¡76.00.
<br />Roll Call*(5) Nayes-(O).
<br />Carlson moved, seconded by Willmus that the F'ire Dept. be authorized to purchase the
<br />fixture needed to make the-CCSnnection to Rêilings water system so they can fill the tank
<br />truck there,rather thæ1 go to cltywáterhydrants. Roll Call Ayes.¡t(5) Nayes-(O).
<br />Membrez moved,seconded by Hammersten thàtwe authorize the firemen to send delegates to
<br />the Fire Prevent10n Training School at an expense not to exceed $58.00. Roll Call *(5)
<br />Nayes *(0).
<br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Willmus that we adjourn. Roll Call,Ayes (5) Nsyes (0).
<br />Membr~7, moved, seconded by Hæmaersten that Fr,~k Weinholzer be paiò $300.00 per
<br />month as Assistant Mgr.of Liquor stores.No overtime to be paid. ~55.00 per 1'"eek to !"'Ia.le
<br />clerks and 1.15 per hour for female clerks for 44 hour week. One week sick leave and one
<br />week paid vacation. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes (0). Effective Feb. 1st. 1952
<br />
<br />
<br />£ì~ 16~. Mayor
<br />
<br />BALANCE ~:-~:.?l
<br />
<br />" '1'
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<br />
<br />.,~~
<br />
<br />1 A I'·:.
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<br />
<br />Clerk
<br />
<br />12-31-51
<br />
<br />TRE.ASUlum I S
<br />BALANCE 12-31-51
<br />
<br />Gen. Fund 18 ,ß09. 21 26,838.52 32,882.112 12,765.:n 12,765.31
<br />Street Mauì.6,025.48 54,701.41 54,785.19 5,941. 70 5,941.70
<br />Fire Maint. 9,117.98 8,34'7.67 7,350.92 10,114.73 10,1.14,73
<br />Fire Equip, 1.5,188.72 22,140.00 33,236.75 4,092.61 4,092.61
<br />Fire Relief 465.18 571. 76 465.18 571. 76 5'11. 76
<br />Liquor 2,655.22 153,928.18 133,532.09 23,051. 31 23,051.31
<br />
<br />52,261.79 266,528.18 262,252.55 56,537.42 56,537.42
<br />The above report was _ccepted as reported and properly approved and signed b~r the
<br />Council Members.
<br />