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Natural Resource News <br />Fall 2020 <br />From Jim Taylor, Parks Superintendent <br />I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our volunteers for their continued support over the <br />past several months. We have still found a way to do some very important things during the pandemic. <br />In May with social distancing guidelines in effect we were able to plant 7,000 flowers on Lexington Ave. <br />In addition to the planting the flowers we were also able to hold multiple events in our parks and at the <br />arboretum. <br />Staff feels we have a great plan in place for navigating this new norm and still achieve our goals from a <br />Natural Resources Program standpoint. We will begin working with our volunteer leaders and Stantec <br />to plan a collaborative effort in the final quarter of the year that will accomplish our Natural Resource <br />Program goals. I look forward to seeing all of you real soon! <br />From Paul Bockenstedt, Ecologist <br />Anticipated natural areas restoration and management activities across Roseville parks in fall 2020 <br />includes spot treatment of invasive weeds and follow-up foliar treatment of invasive brush <br />seedlings/resprouts. There are still pockets of invasive, nonnative brush in a few parks that will continue <br />to be worked on through a combination of volunteers and the city's ecological restoration contractor. In <br />several parks, invasive brush levels are low enough that a second phase of supplemental seeding of <br />additional species of native grasses, sedges and flowers is planned for later this fall and over winter. <br />Work will be done at Villa Park, Acorn Park, Central Park and Reservoir Woods. <br />We received information back from our citizen-scientist volunteers who conducted frog and toad call <br />surveys this spring - this is valuable information that helps us track wildlife and gives us feedback on <br />management activities. A big "thank you!" to all the volunteers who participate in this fun activity. <br />From Rachel Boggs, Volunteer Coordinator <br />Since COVID-19 has become part of our lives, <br />when volunteering. Many of us are navigating through a wide range of stressors, from caring for our <br />own health to taking care of others. We are excited to have multiple activities this fall for our natural <br />resource volunteers who wish to participate, and we hope that volunteering connects you to your <br />community. City staff has worked hard to provide guidelines to keep everyone safe but we do ask that <br />you consider the following guidelines when volunteering. <br />Individuals may not participate if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have <br />been exposed to an individual with symptoms of COVID-19. These symptoms include <br />fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. <br />Masks are required inside and encouraged outside when possible. Volunteers must <br />wear masks 6 or more feet. <br />KNOW YOUR LIMITS. We ask that volunteers who are considered high risk not <br />participate. We look forward to seeing you next time. <br />64 <br /> <br />