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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/1/2020 3:17:27 PM
Creation date
9/1/2020 3:17:07 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Spencer asked when there is a vacant lot, who is responsible for keeping <br />down the weeds and mowing. He noted there is a lot down the street on South <br />McCarrons where a prof ect to build a house went sideways and the structure had to <br />be torn down and now there are just weeds there. <br />Mr. Culver indicated generally speaking, whoever owns the lot is responsible for <br />maintaining the vegetation as if there is a house there. There is an Ordinance for <br />this in the city. He explained he was not sure what the current owner status is with <br />the lot on South McCarron because it was basically in foreclosure and the city had <br />some interest in it but those meetings were behind closed doors so he was not privy <br />to the information and what is going on. He noted staff will follow up on this to <br />find out who is responsible. <br />Member Hammer indicated she was interested to learn more about the basin going <br />in on Brenner. <br />Mr. Culver reviewed the progress and plans with the Commission. He noted a lot <br />of trees were removed and the city has a pretty aggressive landscaping plan for the <br />lot. <br />Member Cicha indicated he was curious about the iron enhanced sand and <br />wondered if it had a life span to it. <br />Mr. Culver indicated the sand does need to be recharged but was not sure how often. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained Roseville installed on Williams Street, by Lake <br />McCarrons one of the first enhanced ones about 12 years ago and in 2019 the city <br />did its first refresher of the sand where the city re -segregated the sand to break it up <br />a little bit but did not have to add any filings yet. That is actually one of the test <br />sites to see what the life expectancy is but it is anticipated that at some point <br />additional iron will need to be added to the sand. He figured it was roughly atwenty <br />year life span. <br />Member Huiett indicated she just recently visited Langton Lake and the water did <br />not appear to be very high quality and thought she could use some more education. <br />She noted the interpretive signage was very nice. She thought it would be <br />interesting to learn about the evolution and what has been happening at that lake. <br />Mr. Culver explained Langton Lake is challenging because it is very shallow, <br />especially during the hot weather. He noted the lake also gets a lot of runoff and <br />does have some substantial algae blooms in it. <br />Chair Wozniak asked about the Partners in Energy application. <br />Mr. Culver indicated staff has not heard anything yet. The applications were due <br />in July and were submitted prior to the deadline. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />
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