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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
9/18/2020 11:52:08 AM
Creation date
9/18/2020 11:49:28 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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water resource, buffer, street, road, alley, catch basin, culvert, curb, gutter, inlet, ditch, <br />natural watercourse, flood control channel, canal, storm drain or any fabricated natural <br />conveyance. <br />G. Illicit Discharges and Connections <br />1. No person shall use any illicit connection to intentionally convey non -storm water to the <br />City's storm sewer system. <br />2. The construction, use, maintenance or continued existence of illicit connections to the <br />storm sewer system is prohibited. This prohibition expressly includes, without limitation, <br />illicit connections made in the past regardless of whether the connection was permissible <br />under law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of connection. <br />3. A person is considered to be in violation of this ordinance if the person connects a line <br />conveying wastewater to the storm sewer system, or allows such a connection to <br />continue. <br />H. General Provisions: All owners or occupants of property shall comply with the following <br />general requirements: <br />1. No person shall leave, store, deposit, discharge, dump, or otherwise expose any chemical <br />or septic waste in an area where discharge to streets or storm sewer system may occur. <br />This section shall apply to both actual and potential discharges. <br />a. Private sanitary sewer connections and appurtenances shall be maintained to prevent <br />failure, which has the potential to pollute surface water. <br />b. Recreational vehicle sewage shall be disposed to a proper sanitary waste facility. <br />Waste shall not be discharged in an area where drainage to streets or storm sewer <br />systems may occur. <br />c. For pools, the pool's water should be tested before draining to ensure that PH levels <br />are neutral and chlorine levels are not detectable. Pool water should be discharged <br />over a vegetated area before draining into the storm sewer system. Unsealed <br />receptacles containing chemicals or other hazardous materials shall not be stored in <br />areas susceptible to runoff. <br />2. The washing down of commercial equipment and vehicles shall be conducted in a <br />manner so as to not directly discharge wastewater where drainage to streets or storm <br />sewer system may occur. <br />3. Removal of pollutants such as grass, leaves, dirt and landscape material from impervious <br />surfaces shall be completed to the maximum extent practicable using mechanical <br />clearing techniques. <br />4. Mobile washing companies (carpet clearing, mobile vehicle washing, etc) shall dispose <br />of wastewater to the sanitary sewer. Wastewater shall not be discharged where drainage <br />to streets or storm sewer system may occur. <br />5. Storage of materials, machinery and equipment shall comply with the following <br />requirements: <br />a. Objects, such as equipment or vehicle parts containing grease, oil or other hazardous <br />substances, and unsealed receptacles containing chemicals or other hazardous <br />materials shall not be stored in areas susceptible to runoff. <br />b. Any machinery or equipment that is to be repaired or maintained in areas susceptible <br />to runoff shall be placed in a confined area to contain leaks, spills, or discharges. <br />6. Debris and residue shall be removed as follows: <br />a. All vehicle parking lots and private streets shall be swept at least once a year in the <br />
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