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<br />VIU,Þ.GE COUNCIL OF lìü~~EVIJ,LE <br />~fl.eeting,Wednes6.y }.~.I'ch 17 195;; .t ?OO P.M. <br /> <br />198 <br /> <br />The Village C~unci1 met on the ¡¡bove date 1':i tb the following me:I:Jbers present: <br />C¡¡¡rlEion,Wi1hìu:õ,l!embrez,¡';om'Or ;mè. HiJ'JI'1e!'sten. Ira Karon Village AttorneJ' was ¡¡¡Iso <br />present. <br /> <br />The Clerk re.d the minutes of the last regul.!' m~eting 0:: 4 W'ld on motion by <br />Membrez,seconded b~r Carlson they were approved as re.d. Roll call Ayes-(.5) Nayes -(0). <br /> <br />Ii!r. .'\ù.gust Lin¿strom of 2968 No. Rice st waG í,:ref(':nt with a pl..n for _ hom~ he <br />propo~eE' to build on the west side of Rice t:;T. on lot. 13 Pl.Ünview Add. After some discussion <br />with Mr. Lindstrom. .bout his plíms,i1ó J U::J.ersten moved, seconded by Carl50n tl¡.t. the building <br />inspector be authorized to iSf:Ue a permit for a private dwelling. Roll call Ayes-(5) N.;yes <br />(0) . <br /> <br />11r. Lee of st. Paul before the council to diGcu~s the building of .. DeLuxe <br />Metel at the SouthlV~st corner of Snelling ;md J~lèiól. lie ".'aE asked to present Li prelimanary <br />pIa)" of the type of buildings he proposes to erect ólnd present them at the next me(l)ting. <br /> <br />Mr. pud~r Keller of the Keller Corp. presented the Council 1'rith a new deed f(ìr Lot 18 <br />M.yf'lower Park without restrictionl3 includ~è. Hembrez moved, ~econded by Hammersten t, the <br />deed be and the CIerI: have it filed nth the R~£Üter of Deeds.Holl cdl Ayes-fj <br />1!~~'es(O). <br /> <br />:\~r.Hatfielè. ~, builder of homes in t,he Schreiber átddition was present to seek more <br />lnfor¡¡¡¡¡tion on Ryan Av~ problem. He info"'11~è the Council that he had secured easem~nts <br />from Mrs Lebens ii'nd the Rosetc1m LutherrJ1 church.He was told to cant.ct th~ Peterson!~. <br /> _ s fl¡mIDler;3ten haù exph.ineà the po:3i tior. of the Village in the matter to them. It. <br />Yias suggested that rl1aybe he could EecÌ1re aT: easement from tht"!m if he offered tc buy the <br /> lots f;)t 'their property. ," <br /> <br />1·Jr. S. KrlOnnak 'Was present with a proposed plan for the development of his [Jroperty, <br />on L¡¡.rpenteur and Dunl,¡p Sts. <br />l-liIDI!lersten Illoved,seconded by Vlillmu:=: that the a¡:'plications for re-zoning Lots 1-6 Blk. <br />2 tmd Lots 1-6 Block 1 KrannQks ¡dd. be accepted and :'. public he.ring b~ ht'lld on April 15 <br />1952 at 2.00F.H. Roll co¡ll A~res-(5) Na~res-(O). <br />Connor moved, seconded b;}r Carlson that the ..pplication for vacating of ":rone st. from <br />Fernwood to Dunlap b~ Qccepteã and a two weeks published ¡.Hid posted notice be given tmd ;¡ <br />public he..ring be held on Tuesd..y April 15 1952 ó1t 2.00 r.M. Hell c..ll A~'es-(5) Na~res(O). <br /> <br />An application frm Ford Moffett for th~ operation of a drive in bu"iness on Lexington <br />anã LQrpenteur was read and on motion b:r Merubrez, seconded b;:,r C.rlson the Clerk W;¡¡S .uthor- <br />ized to issue. license. Holl call ayes-(S) Nayes(O). <br /> <br />Connor moved, 3econded b~r Carlson <br />the Village opt'Jratione ¡md ~u.pplies <br />issued by the Village Clerk. <br />be notifi~d. Roll call, Ayes-(5) <br /> <br />that .-11 mOiteri;11 c, supf'lie s, and eq11ipment u:õed in <br />for the Liquor' st.ore be bought on a purch¡¡,fce order <br />~nò .11 department heads <br /> <br />N aye s - ( 0 ) . <br /> <br />1~embrez moved, seconded by Carlson that we authorize the purchase oi' two COWì.ters for <br />the new Lioù.or store from L.Faulle MÜ~w.t'¡ Fixt.ure .;~ :':h01'l Case Co. at a cost of $420.00 <br />Roll Call "Ayes-( S) N ~res (0). . <br />