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<br />VILIJ~GE COUNCIL OF ROSE:VILLE <br />Continuation of meeting Wedneaday March 19 1952 <br />íuesd;y Eve. March 25 195f 7 O~Clock P.M. <br /> <br />200 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the aboye date as .. continu~.tion of the regular <br />meeting of Wed. ÞlaI'ch 19 with the following members pres~nt, Car150n, Willmus, <br />Membrez,Connor".~d Hamrnersten. Ira Karon Vil12g~ Attorney Wf'S .1so present. A.D.Cr¡¡mpt.on <br />Pri:1cip.i1 Ass't. County Surveyor and Knute Anker of the Surveyors Dept. ~re alRo <br />present. <br /> <br />The Surv~yors Dept. presented a plat of Sec.l' telling that the State and County· <br />have a water problem on Lexington mó County Rdlad "B" md they 'Would be interested in p <br /> ditch and would be willing to go into the drainage problem with the Village. <br />A main ditch could be run along County Roa.d B to Fern\'j()od and then tie into the <br />High School drain line which will be a 36" and 42" pipe thru the school property, <br />Several l.teral lines could be connected to the m.iiin line coming from Dellwood to <br />relieve the water in that area. <br />A Public he.,ring rlll have to be held to let peopl~ know wh...t the ..pproximate cost <br />is going to be under a Village ditch system which would be the bet~er plan to follow. <br />Eventu~ly Hayflol'1er Park area 'Would have to run into t,his sae ditch if feó/sible,but <br />some levels would have to be t..ken on it.,ó/long with ~ome pr-!"lim:::m¡¡.ry plan~ showing where <br />the ditch wiD go. The numo!!r of lateral~ needed,."'" ~e lRrgest l'l1:1,d.mum of area servèd <br />the less the cost per property qwner will be. An ótpprais~.l of Bennet Lake would to <br />be mólde by . realtor. <br /> <br />Connor moved,seconded by Membrez that the County Surveyor be rec.uested to make a <br />prelimanary pl..n and proposed estiJìlóltes to include the ?rea under consider-ation, to tie <br />in with the High Scr..ool line thence running into Bennett Lake. Roll Call Aye~-t)) <br />Na:res-( 0). <br /> <br />The Auditors Financial report on the operation of the Liquor stores foY' 1951 w.¡¡s <br />passed óilJlong the members, ¡md sever:ll items discussed. Hayor corIDor told of the n!"'er <br />for ;I. r~gular monthly inventory ;and statement, telling of the proposa1 by Taylor & <br />l~cCasJ::il] of their system used in other stores. Connor moveò, seconded by Willmus that <br />we commis~ion the Taylor and McCaskill Co to make a monthly inventory along with a <br />monthly report for the sum of$lOO.OO Ron Gall Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by Willnus that the clerk be instructed to ascertain the <br />procedure for building inspection. What is required in the w.;} of inspection? How many <br />times? The matter of filing a copy of his inspections.V'fuere are permits issued~ The <br />practice of St.Paul inspections, and reports. FoIl Call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />HaL1m~rstf"n moved,seconded by Carlson that we open bids for 10,000 ~rards of gravel <br />on Tuesday April 15 1952. ( Matior: to gravel was made in October but no d.ate <br />set to open the bids) Roll Call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />A communication frem Commissioner of Agriculture WQS re¡¡¡d asking for the ¡>.ppoint- <br />ment of a weed inspector. Hammersten moved,secondeè by Carlson that Ted Schultz be <br />appointed for the y~_r 19.52 from. April ist ta Oct.15th. Roll cÛl Ayes(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mayor Connor '\\Tent over the plan for alter...tionf: of thl'! building :::s submitted by <br />Leonard Johnson telling of the proposed ch~ges contemplated. sever"l suggedions were <br />offered. Hammersten moved,seconded by Connor th.t we approve the plans and the Mayor <br />contact Mr. Johnson and tell him of the suggested ghomges, ¡.mè have him get bids on the <br />whole building, ¡,ncl seper;te bids on the Fire station part. Roll cÛI Ayes-(4) Nayes-( 0). <br /> <br />Connor moveè,secor.ded by Carlson that. we adjourn.Roll cêll Aye~-(h) Naye:ò(O) <br /> <br />Æ;' ;Æ?1 <br />ëJ,'·UJ.i J .'·)~/rJpI1.J. <br /> <br />MóiI.yor <br /> <br />\~'1 ~~) \ ~ '-. " .:--f- <br />.' ~ \~,~\JV~ÞM <br /> <br />Clerk <br />