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<br />Uonday Mttch 31 1952 <br /> <br />201 <br /> <br />An informal meeting of the following members,Carlson,Willmus,Connor and Htilmmersten was <br />held at, 10.00 A.!I!. to discuss variQus rUi.tters that have COlAe to the att~ntion of Mayor <br />Connor and others. County Road B2 from Lexington Ave to Vict.oria WtilS under consideration, <br />it being a Village Road for tr,~t half mile.It 'I"í~.S f:''U¿G!!sted that Ton3' Schmidt b~ <br />ill vi ted to attend a meeting to discuss with him tJte probability of the County taking <br />over this portjon of the road inasrauch all the rest of it was p¡¡rt of the County Roað <br />system. along with a few others that are extensions of County Roads. <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting, Tuesday April 1 1952 at 2.00 P.U. <br /> <br />The Village Council It~t. on th~ .bove date with the following members present:Carlson, <br />Willmus,Membrez,Connor and Hammersten. <br /> <br />The Clerk reiii.d the minutes of th~ last previous m~eting of Harch 19th and continued <br />meeting of Tue. Eve .March 25 and on motion by Carlson, seconded by Willmus,they wer.e <br />approved as corrected. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Anton Reiling iiind ,Tohn Markus of Lexington Ave near Grtilndview were present <br />asking to h.r..e the propoG~è storm. sewer havf'! ii lateral line running east to Lexington: <br />to relieve them of the water stmding on their property which runs Qnto it from Lovell'¡ <br />md Cì.atsworth sts. They ,fere told the matter would be investigated.) <br /> <br />Mr. Lee presented the plan for eight uni h of t.he Motel he proposes to build on <br />Snelling Ave. and stated he hoped to enhrge it to 40 units. Membrez moved, seconded by <br />W.mmerden thtilt the building inspector issue a building perm t for con~truction of the <br />Motel poviding it conforms to the code and plans submitt~ð. Roll cdl Ayes-(S) Nayes (). <br /> <br />Mr. Bite of the Hite Ins Agency presented the insurrmce progr.m to the Council with <br />the new coverages as r~quésted at a previous meeting, and ~xpl~nerl what policy <br />covered. Membrez !ll.oved,seconded by Ha'-'lIm-.rsten that we purchase a $28,000.00 Fire Insu- <br />rmce,Extended Coverage and Vandalism Policy for a one year period for 337.40 and to be <br />sure and have No.590 Fire Town nUJIber put on t,he policy. Roll c~ll Ayes(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mr .Ratfield, who h&s appeared sever-.1 times about Rytiln Ave. reported to the Council <br />that he W"2 unable to do an;ything \'rith the Petersen's regarding &1'1 ea~ement or purchas- <br />ing any of their property for road purroses or for building. He agreed to b1q four lots <br />tilnd pay for his share of the rc~d but they still were aat interested,also stated that <br />Doc ~_iley w~lted him to grade Shryer Ave so he could sel1 some of his lots. <br />It was suggested that the Mayor Connor and Hammersten contact Mr. Paterson and tell <br />him ho~ the situation could be handled, whereby he might be assessed for ~ road ~long <br />his property. <br /> <br />IIammersten reported on his visit to Eèina,Richfield,Columbia Heights,White Betilr and <br />South St.Faul ;and on tht'! rn~nner of their h¡¡n(11ing Imd is~u1ng building per1i.ts,after <br />some Ji~cu~~ion,HamÅ“ersten moved, seconded by Connor that Fr~nk L~1nen be invited to a <br />special meeting on Monday hve. to discuss a proposed ch~ge in the manner of i~Fuing <br />building permits Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O) Membrez had been excused at 4.15. <br /> <br />Mr. Guertin of 1995 was pr~sent complaining about the condition of Bea.con st. from <br />Shryer to Ryan in Sec. 16 there being a blil.d spot om¿ the road 1!1.passable. ~e clerk ""_.s <br />to check with Koalsk~ about the Village ever taking over th~ road. <br /> <br />Carlson reported th~t he híi\d received a call ahout some people on Bayview Drive <br />running the overflow from ~leir cesEpool onto the right of way. The Clerk was a~ked to <br />report the matter to Dr.Sekhon. <br />