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<br />'IILLAGE Ĺ“UNCIL OF RCSEVILLC <br />Continuéd- ~eting,~ffonday Eve. April 7 1)S2 at B.OO O;Clock P.M. <br /> <br />203 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the ¡¡¡bOVð date with the following members present. <br />C.arlson,ConnoI',:!.embrez :&ud H¡¡¡ffiJ[)~r2ten. r:r:mk teinen Trea. Wi.S ¡¡¡Iso present. <br /> <br />i. b:;~0 up <br />what coulå <br />",'illing to <br />or's Dept. <br />Ro.d <.;2. <br /> <br />of residents .I.'run} L!i1dred á:cive appeólred before tht'! Council to find out <br />be done about, their I'oad. they would like to have it gr;.1ded and would be <br />p,,;r for it. G":rl~~on moveè,[;econded r)y Connor tlHlt we have th~ County ,sl1rve,y- <br />establish the gr.tle ¡md set gr~(!e c~(èke~ on ;Üldreè Drive fro:,1 Ir~Tdia to Co. <br />!:oll call Ayes(h) Nayes (a). . <br /> <br />5eY~ral re~Üden"':.s of JJaurie Road just wef3t u': Lexington inquireè wh;;: th\'Ür ro..è had <br />not been tõÙcen care of. they were t.old tlut th~ had onl~' taken C\ ,''''' joo i'~et of <br />it just weet of Lexington, .md the balance hac: not been put in condition fOT our ..ccep+,- <br />:;mce. They r/en~ .wked to cont;;¡ct Mr. WcwerE th~ rlevcloper af the ~rea ;>nd éJ:"k ~lim t() (;et <br />the rOiLd in condition for our inspection and if ir b'1od enough,we could i,;,¡ke it <br /> <br />C;"r.;·~~. <br /> <br />Ken F¡¡b;yanske .md Herb L~mch of the Fire Dept. were present to ask our helr on the <br /> fi1 i,.; ..ituOition wh5.Gh WQul¿ scon be sta.rting,<1uoting the following figuref;. <br /> <br />1n- 19!() <br /> <br />!¡Û ûrass fireI'. <br /> <br />:;92 man hours Cost 1431~.oo Cost of run It la.OO <br /> <br />'~BO. 00 <br /> <br />19;;0 <br /> <br />56 II " 6UZ I' " 1.7oh.oo <br />32 1\ " 367 " " 368.00 <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />" It ~ 10.00 S60.00 <br /> <br />1951 <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />~ "~IO.gO 3?O.00 <br /> <br />Total for gr~.3~ fires in 19L9 ~ 1911.:.00 <br />1950 2261~.OO <br />19)1 1188.00 <br />Tot:;¡1 - - )jö6.00 <br />Af+,er some discussion on th~ matter. Earomersten moved, ~econded by Gonnor thiit, :m <br />ad be put in the Rose Tribune,reading ¡¡s follows <br />WARNING <br />Citizens of Roseville <br />Do not start brass firer, before 4 O'Clock r.:.1'Æ. <br />unless you hav~ sufficient man power to cOD1;rol <br />it. Our Fire ¿cpt. cannot promjr1y 2IJswer the cóii.ll~ <br />prior to this time. ~our co-o!,eration requeded by <br />ROSl;NILIE VltLAGE COU!'~CIL <br />Roll call Ayes (I~) Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Knì.4te Anker of the County Surveyors Uept. was present w:tth the pre1imam!r;J plan <br />cf the propo~eà drainólge lin~ :md the areo¡ involved, with a rough e::'ti'Uate of the cost <br />for t,he main line and cost for each additlonóill later..1 line that could b~ installed at <br />a future date. T{e st,ated th.t this look~è Iik" é/. good start for a storm sewer syetem, <br />but further checkE' would have to be made on the basin that is to hold the water, this <br />would be done as soon as po~sible and reporteè on 1_tcr. <br /> <br />An application for re-zoning lotE 6-7-13 Sh¡:¡.dy Be;¡ch Addition in See .1) waD <br />presented by steve Zeece and Jake Langer and on motion by Carl~on,seconded by Connor <br />it w,Ù: accepted Imd .. public hearine:; be held on 'Tuesd_y May 6th ~t 2.0(' P.M. Roll c:¡¡ll <br />Ayes-(J) ~)dyes(O). <br /> <br />re mat tor of issuing building p._ ts " copy of the t~'P. of <br /> <br />permit used in Richfie1í1 <br /> <br />