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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
10/29/2020 3:57:49 PM
Creation date
10/29/2020 3:57:34 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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have stopped collecting glass because of the cost and it contaminates paper and <br />other recyclables. The resident survey that the City conducted this year had a <br />number of recycling questions including the level of service that he thought would <br />play into the RFP. There are other communities that have recently or are in the <br />process of renewing of signing new contracts with recyclers and he thought the <br />Commission should look at some of those for some features, some cost issues, etc. <br />Mr. Johnson continued his RFP Presentation with the Commission. <br />Youth Member Lynch left the meeting at 8:23 p.m. <br />Vice Chair Huiett indicated for any vendor RFP for service she thought there is <br />always an opportunity to have equity inclusion be apart of the selection criteria and <br />she was not seeing that as far as any of the engagement efforts or hiring practices. <br />She thought there was a little bit of a contradiction in the RFP where the criteria is <br />not ranked or rated. She indicated there is ranking and it appears that cost is the <br />most important of the forty percent consideration. This is important for them to be <br />intentional about what the City values in the ranking and weighing. She assumed <br />that the mandatory meetings and the submittal itself, there is probably more of a <br />virtual component now for the receiving of submittals and was not sure why there <br />needed to be an in person, mandatory meeting and seems to be an unnecessary risk. <br />It was not clear to her whether this is a request for bid or a request for proposal. It <br />seems like the two are used interchangeably and what she understands is the two <br />are not interchangeable. <br />Chair Wozniak thought the equity inclusion and the ranking and weighing certain <br />components of the bid should be a part of the RFP and he believed City staff will <br />take note of those. He agreed that meeting in person seemed to be a no brainer. <br />Mr. Culver thought a lot of the comments from Vice Chair Huiett could be clarified <br />by staff and there could be a good discussion about it when the neat RFP is <br />reviewed. Clearly equity and inclusion is much more important and a value for the <br />City of Roseville. It always should have been but is clearly a high priority for the <br />City now. As far as proposal versus bid, from a public agency perspective, a <br />proposal generally is something that would be scored. It is going to include not <br />only the price but will also include a lot of factors and variables that will allow staff <br />to score value with that price and the overall proposal and service that is being <br />provided. A bid is generally a hard number and given State Law the City has to <br />take the lowest bid. When it is a proposal and staff can actually score the value of <br />it then the City has a process of how to score and based on the score the contractor <br />can be chosen based on the value of the contractor. <br />7. Items for Next Meeting —October 27, 2020 <br />Discussion ensued regarding the October PWETC agenda: <br />• Proposed 2021 Utility Rates <br />• Civic Campus Master Plan Update <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />
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