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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:45:24 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 5:30:33 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Informal meeting Tuesday,Apri1 15 1.COP.M. <br /> <br />204 <br /> <br />An informal meeting was called to order by Mayor Connor at 1.15 P.M. with the fi>llowing <br />ijlembers present. carlson, Wi1lmus, Membrez, Connor and Hammersten. Ira Karon Village <br />Attorney was also present. <br />There were several matters discussed and the one pertaining to building inspection was <br />discussed at 1engtp,the time required for inspectâ>r 1-o'work,nbmber of hours per week, <br />wages,eta, was a full time or part time man needed. Applications from 3 persons were read <br />and all given due consideration. The qualifications of Tony Schmidt and his years of <br />service on County work and as Chairman of the Public Bldgs, Committee seemed to be the best <br />of the three applications. The time being 2.15 the Council went into its regular <br />meeting. <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCil. OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting Tuesday April 15 1952 2.00 P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date .tth the following members present,Car1son, <br />Wi1lmus,Meabrez,Connor and Hammersten. Ira Karon Village Attorney was also present. <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting ef April 1st and the <br />continued meeting of Monday Eve. April 7 and on motion by Membrez, seconded by Carlson <br />they were approved as corrected. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes -(0). <br /> <br />The hearing on the Krannak re-zoning was declared open,there being no one present <br />at this time ,it was postponed until 3.30. <br /> <br />Frank Meyer 1375 8hryer inquired about the possibility of getting a b1a8ktop road <br />on Shryer east of Hamline Ave. The Clerk was asked to have the County Surveyor's Dept. <br />give us an estimate of the job. There are about 23 lots or property owners involved <br />which would have to be assessed, after preliminary plans were made along with estimates, <br />a public hearing would be held. <br /> <br />Hr. Vick,Lexington ànd T .H. 36 was present to inquire what the plan was for driining <br />the Garvik property just south of his place. and the rest of the area in that vicinity, <br />saying he could help Mr. Garvik out by letting him cross his property with a temporary <br />ditch. He was told that plans are under way to relieve the situation and would be taken <br />care of shortly. <br /> <br />. Mr. Decheine 01'2441 W Co. Rd.C2 complained about a water problem he àad,saying it <br />was caused by' the Pipe Une Co. diverting the water onto his property. He was asked to <br />secure an easement from the owner of Lot 12 Sec. 5 Troseth Add. where the water now runs. <br />Mayor Connor and Hammersten would contact the Pipe Line Co. about running the1rater onto <br />their 01m slough. <br /> <br />Mr. Hatfield asked the Council if anything had been done with the Peterson's. He <br />was told the committee had not been able to contact them as yet. After much discussion <br />Mr. Piche said he thought the Peterson's would go along with Ratfie1d on the Ryan Ave. <br />matter and for Mr. Ratfield to contact the Peterson's once more and some Qgreement <br />could be reached. <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that Ratfie1d be permitted to build a 60 ft. <br />road on Ryan Ave .to the Peterson property and then finish off with a 30 ft. road the <br />remaining 660 feet to Lexington Ave. Roll 8al1 Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />A group of residents on De11wood between Co. Rd. B and T .H.36 were present to <br />discuss drainage ditches on De1lwood.The flowage had been changed in another direction. <br />Wi1lmus stated that if the culverts were lowered the water would run north to T .H. 36 <br />and a little fill would be needed in the ditches. <br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Carlson that we make a city section of De1lwood from Co. <br />Rd. B to T.H. 36 if found feasible after a survey by County Engineer's Dept. <br />Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes -(0). <br />
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