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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:25 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 5:30:57 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Con:tinued Meeting. Friday May 9 1952 at 3.00 O'Clock P.M. <br /> <br />211 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present. <br />Willmus,Memhrez,Connor and Hammersten. <br /> <br />Mr. William Reiling appeared before the Council to discuss several problems. Taxes, <br />Schools, streets should be properly fixed. We have no sewer or water services. Not <br />enough street lights. A resident of the Village had been attacked on Larpenteur and <br />Lexington and nothing had been done about it as yet. Mr. Reiling voiced his objection <br />to Tony Schmidt as building inspector, sayimg he did not think he had the necessary <br />experience for the job. <br /> <br />Mr. Milner Carley was invited to the meeting to discuss road problems with the <br />Council members. The over all platting and laying out roads to conforrJl to a standard <br />pattern for the future. Much discussion was held on needs and methods of accomplishing <br />them. <br /> <br />Membrez inquired, if we could reasonably expect an Engineer hired by the Village <br />to work out details of drainage, and plans. Fin6:out the property owners, secure easements <br />and other incidentals needed on a project. <br /> <br />For the present an Engineer should be on a part time basis. Work by himself, check <br />over the lake and water shed area. Pick out the benefited area. Be at liberty to put on <br />a limited s)trvey crew to measure the water shed, find out how muck water it will hold, <br />what type bottom? How much will seep out. Make a plan from the firl!!t manhole down onto <br />the lake bed. Flash floods should be givenconsideration.What area are the assessments <br />to be spread over, then turn the information over to real estate men for appraisalis <br />Carley said he did not see how a private Engineer could come in and do a job <br />without some conflict, when the County was aleo doing some work. They would probably <br />think their bounds were being oversteppèd. <br />Carley stated he would be willing to go into the Engineering problem we have on <br />any basis we wanted to. He would be willing to forget personalities and co-operate <br />with us 100% on the basis outlined in his letter to us dated April 28 1952 <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that the petition presented by Miss Dorothy <br />Lindig for the vaca.ting of a twelve foot lane between Blocks One and Two in Homevi11e <br />Addition be accepted and a public hearing be held on ,June 3 at 2.00 08C10ck P.M. <br />Roll call Ayes-~h) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Willmus that the easements from Jihn Andert and Mrs: <br />O'Delia Larkey for a 60 foot right of way running west of Western Ave. for a distro1ce <br />of 330 feet in line With Bismarck be accepted and filed with the legister of Deeds. <br />Roll call .yes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br /> Membrez moved, seconded by Connor that the following bills be paid. <br /> Geo. Connor 80.00 Harry Carlson 60.00 Eçiw. Wi1lmuB 60.00 <br /> B.H.Hammersten 200.00 Geo. Membrez 60.00 Ira Karam 100.00 \ <br /> Frank Leinen 75.00 Dr. M.S.Sekhon 25.00 Mike Walsh 100.97 <br /> Ken Fabyanske 12.50 Catherine Lang h9.90 Alice Tollin 92.13 <br /> Frank Weinholzer 150.00 Hamm Bra. Co. 3827.20 Bellis Bag Co. 4.7'1 <br /> Old Peoria Co. 701.76 Sunny Hill Dist. 26.25 Famous Brands 477.23 <br /> Distillers Dist, 839.75 Northern states P. 14.35 American Linen 15.48 <br /> Griggs Cooper Co. 2831.06 Ed.Phillips Sons 1668.07 Ebin Bro s Co. 217.22 <br /> Midwest Wine Go. 87.35 McKessdm Robbins 150.46 Schmidt Brg.Co. 1087.1.f2 <br /> J.L.Shie1y Co. 1669.47 Cliff Berglund 55.00 Brissman Kennody 17.94 <br />'-- Victory Printing Co hl.OO B.H.Hammersten 100.00 Phillips Petro. cm. 30.36 <br /> Carnes Stamp Co. '2).65 Carrier Bros. 5.00 J.L.Shie1y Co. 808.22 <br />
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