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What else is hoped of us as commissioners? <br />It’s not expected or mandatory, but… <br />Show up and be seen in the community; Discover Your Parks (DYP), <br />participate in playground builds, natural resources renewal events, national <br />night out, and other park events. It’s a blast. <br /> Volunteer extra time as appropriate: Serve on advisory boards, community <br />meetings, park events, and park projects with other volunteers. <br />Show up and be seen in support of Parks and Rec staff: Your presence at <br />City Council meetings, relevant public meetings of any kind, and park events <br />is appreciated. <br /> Communicate. Whenever you see a staff member or any park user feelfree <br />to walk up and say, “Hi”. Also, feel free to stop in to the Parks & Recreation <br />office to meet and discuss your questions, ideas or thoughts with staff. <br /> Be a City of Roseville booster: This is your community. It’s a great one and <br />your involvement only makes itbetter. <br /> Practice your Roseville Parks and Rec PR: When you use the parks talk <br />(mostly listen) to park users. <br />o Note the topics orquestions people have and forward them to Lonnie <br />o Get names when possible and contact information <br />o Direct people to the website <br />o Follow up with people as appropriate <br />o Refer anything you can’t answer toLonnie <br /> We’re volunteers: As we mentioned at the beginning, this is a volunteer <br />position. Everyone has different demands on their time. So, start where you <br />are, use the gifts you have, and do what you can. <br />We appreciate your energy, commitment and input! <br />12 <br /> <br />