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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:26 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting,Tuesday,June 3 1952 at 2.00 P.M. <br /> <br />217 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following membere present. Carlson, <br />Willmus,Membrez,Connor and Hammersten. Ira Karon Village Attorney was also present. <br /> <br />The Cleri read the minutes of the last regular meeting and the continued session <br />of May 27 and on motion by Willmus,seconded by Connor they were approved as read. <br />Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayee-(O). <br /> <br />Carlson reported that he had been served a subpeona on the Transit Ave.Å“atter <br />between Collins and Christiansen. <br /> <br />*-,I(yers of 74h West Minnehaha complained about some water along Heinel Drive <br />being diverted onto her parents property by the Road overseer. Membrez moved, seconded <br />by Hammersten that the matter be referred to the Village Engineer. <br /> <br />Mayor Connor inquired if a report had been received from the County Surveyor's <br />Dept. on the Bennett Lake survey they were making. He felt that we were not getting <br />anywhere on the drainage matter. Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that we have <br />the Surveyor's Dept. bring in the map they have prepared up to date,on their findings <br />so it wow.d be available for public hearings,as we should get started on it soon to <br />tie in with the High School line. <br /> <br />Me9brez moved, seconded by Connor that the Village engineer be instructed to take <br />over the drainage problem,and complete the prelimanary plans and estimated costs. Roll <br />call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by Carlson that we request the County to Oil our roads and <br />the order be sent in at once,and the Road overseer prepare a list of the streets to <br />be oiled. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Willmus moved,seconded by Hammerlten that we have the Village engineer draw up <br />specifications for grade of oil to be used, and amount of sand to be spread per mile <br />so we can advertise for bids at a later date. Roll call .Aye8-(5) Nayea-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Ratfiled appeared about Ryan Ave again. MeJlbrez suggested that we have Carley <br />secure the easement from Peterson for the road. <br /> <br />Mr. Miller of Woodbridge St. spoke in beMalf of some residents in his area request- <br />ing that we have the building recently moved near them removed. He said Leinen had <br />told him he did not have a chance to look at the under side of the house before it was <br />moved as it was still on the ground,so he did not know what condition the under structur <br />was in at the tille of issuing the permit for moving. <br />Karon said we could stop them from living in it until it conforms to the code. The <br />clerk was asked to write Mrs Joseph a letter telling her she could not live in the house <br />until she provides a plan that conforms to the building code. <br /> <br />Connor moved,seconded by Willmus that the party now occuping the house be notified <br />that the property can not be occupied as a dwelling in its present condition.It was <br />moved to a low spot with no drainage,the application was falsified, and the application <br />for remodeling did not comply to the code as no pl:m was submitted. Roll call Ayes-(5} <br />U¡yes-(O). <br /> <br />A complaint was also made about the Petersons living in a basement without <br />permission of the Council. Tony Schmidt was asked to file a complaint with Judge Lebens <br />and have Constable Nelson serve it on the Geo Peterson's. <br /> <br />Mrs.Koch complained about a drainage problem she had on BayView Drive.Membrez <br />moved, seconded by Connor that the Village engineer check on it and report at the next <br />meeting. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br />
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