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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:27 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Continued Meeting,Monday Eve. June 9th 1952 <br /> <br />219 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date in continued session with the following <br />members present. Carlson,Willmus, Membrez,Connor and Hammersten. Milner Carley Village <br />Engineer was also present. <br /> <br />Mr. Fred }(emmer appeared with Ray Gerken 487 W.Larpenteur seeking permission to <br />move his home toward the back of his property, as the contractor who is grading Larpenteur <br />Ave. was getting pretty close to his front porch. and his problem was further compli- <br />c..,ted because he did not know if the County was going to go ahead and buy his property <br />for the widening of the street. <br /> <br />Mrs.Rose Joseph of Woodbridge st. appeared before the Council with a floor plan <br />for the remodeling she plans on doing, which was referred to the building inspector for <br />his inve stigation. <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by Hammersten that Harry Carlson be instructed to confer <br />with Geo Reiling as to when he will run his water pipes to the building, and report back <br />at the next meeting.June 17th. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-CO). <br /> <br />Mayor Allen. Jos.Langenberger and D.R.Johnson of the Village of Lauderdale Council <br />appeared at 8.30 to diseuse water problems with members of the Roseville Council. <br />Mayor Connor spoke of the water problems we had over in their area. and how concerned we <br />were in having them solved. Mayor Allen would make no commitment about it as they had <br />been advised by their Attorney not to take any action on drainage matters until the <br />school district took possession of the two blocks they.had acquired for playground <br />purposes and were ready to go ahead with their plans. <br />After much discussion, it was suggested that we write a formal letter officially <br />to the Village of Lauderdale requesting an opinion on furnishing water to the people <br />of Roseville adjoining the Village of Lauderdale. <br />Mayor Allen was asked if a profit was being made on their system and he replied <br />that a lot of people still were useing their own water systems so he had no way of <br />knowing if a profit was being made. <br /> <br />Mr. Karl Covell of Minneapolis who is handling the Sunset Memorial cemetery case <br />for the Village was present to bring us up t~l date on the matter. He told of being able <br />to aake the Ramsey County Zoning map stick,a~of hiring Harry Peterson former Attorney <br />General to represent them. He showed a pile of br!èfs that had been presented, and the <br />briers they have had to file in answer. He read portions of a final briêr Sunset riled <br />and their corporate powers. Sunset have forty acres and a fourth is d£cted for roads, <br />and the balance is to be used for burial purposes which should net them over 3/4 milllen <br />dollars. <br />Carley told of setting up the Ramsey County building code and Zoning map and laws <br />and having met nth ILll the rural Rænsey govern:Lng bodies securing their approval. <br /> <br />Membrez moved,seconded by Carlson that Carley the Vilbge Engineer start with-'i <br />Section 14 as the þeginning of the over all plan for the Village. Roll call Ayes-(5) <br />Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by Hammersten that R~ Gerken be notified to stop the <br />operation of his Tire re-capping business at once. Roll call Ayel-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />There being no further business Hammersten moved, seconded by Membrez that we adj~urn. <br />Roll call Ayes.(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />,f[p/Ð1,1J )'æ~'1ryv11J ' Mayor <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Clerk <br />
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