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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:27 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNClTo OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting,Tuesday .June 17 1952 at 2.00 O'Clock P.M. <br /> <br />220 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present, <br />Carlson,Willmus,Membrez,CoIIDor and Haamersten. Ira Karon Village Attorney and Milner <br />Carley Village Engineer were also present. <br /> <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the last regular aeeting of June 3 and the continued <br />meeting of Monday Eve. June 9 and on motion by Membrez,seconded by Willmus they were <br />approved as read. Roll call Ayes-(S) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The hearing on the petition of Miss Dorothy Lindig for the vacating of a strip <br />of land was declared open. There being no one present opposing said vacating,Membrez <br />moved,seconded by Carlsoh that <br />A twelve foot lane separating Blocks One, two, three and Four <br />in Horneville Addition <br />be vacilted: Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The hearing on the petition to rezone Lots 18.19,20,21,22, and 23 Block üne <br />Roseville Terrace from Farm Residence to Business was declareð open. There being <br />no one present object,ing to said re...zoning,Membrez moved seconded by Hmmersten that <br />the request be granted. Roll call Ayes-(S) Nayee-(O). <br /> <br />The hearing on the petition requesting the re-zoning of the follo1'dng descrl'bed <br />property was declared open: <br />That part of the Northwest Quarter of Sec..3'T29,R23. Beginning at <br />a point distant 817 feet North of the South line of said Northwest <br />qUil.rter and distant 10S0 feet west of the east line thereof:thence <br />running Bast parallel to said south line,390 feet to a point distant <br />660 feet West of said East line:Thence North parallel to said East line, <br />326 feet:Thence West parallel to said Soutþ line,2S0 ffet:Thence southwest <br />to the point of beginning:from Farm Residence to Business <br />There being no one present objecting to said re-zoning, Membrez moved, seconded by <br />Connor that the request be gr~lted. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The hearir~ on the petition requesting the re-zoni~g of the following described <br />property was declared open. <br />Lots 8, 9, 10, 117 and 12 Block 1,Roseville <br />Terrace Plat ONE from a Business to Class B <br />Residentiiil. <br />There being no one present objecting to said re-zoning,Membrez moved, seconded <br />by Carlson that the request be granted. Roll call Ayes-(S) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mrs Collins of Transit Ave asked the help of the Village to get a road to their <br />home. They having been successful in their court action against Christensen he has <br />threatened to block off their present way of getting in, which is over part of his <br />north driveway. The easement having been given by Mr Christensen only had his <br />signature,so a question arose as to its validity. Mr. Karon checked the records at <br />the court house. The property having been listed to Mads Christensen only, the easement <br />Is good as long as both he and his wife live. <br /> <br />~. Myers of Heinel Drive asked if we had received the ~~gineers report on the <br />roá¿rjust west of their propert~r. They Clerk read the report received from the Engineer <br />~s. ~~ers denied that the repoet was true, so the Council members said they would look <br />it over themselves. <br /> <br />Mrs Kerwin of 1960 Karyl Place was spokesman for fi.e other neighbors in her area <br />who accompanied her to complain ilbout road conditions on their street, saying water stood <br />in front of her home so theycould not receive ~ mail since Thur. also that oil had <br />been put on the road but a very thin coating of sand which did not do any good,so the <br />money spent on the road WaS wasted. The people in Mayflo~r Park were the highest <br />taxpayers in Roseville aIld should be given more cons~dera~ìon. .Å~ <br />\:jV"- <br />
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