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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:28 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILT.AGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILT~ <br />}~eting Tuesday, July 15,1952 at 2.00 O'Clock P.Y-. <br /> <br />229 <br /> <br />'l'he Villa~e Council met on th", above date with the following members present, <br />Carlson,Willmus,uembrez,Connor ¡md Hammersten. Ira Karon Village Attorney GIld M..i.lner <br />Carley Engineer were also present. <br /> <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of July 1 ¡md on motion by <br />Membrez,seconded by Willwus they were approved 01:3 read. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />A letter from carley was read on the survey he was asked to make on Mid Oak~ Lane, <br />from Ro~~lawn Ave north as per our request. Carley had a profile and street grade of <br />the matter in question and pointed out how it could be remådied. <br /> <br />Membrez stated a petition had been presented two or three ~rear~ ago askin& for a <br />country section, then we had it graded as a city eection at the request of some of the <br />residents.l,ast Oct.*3 residents ask"d that a country section be gr¡¡.ded as that would <br />be better than the present city type they had. Now two of the residents who were present <br />that evening have made a fill on public property without permission of the Council. <br />Membrez moved seconded by Willmus that a letter be sent these people telling them <br />to change the road back to the condition it was in as a CO'lmtry section or pa~' for the <br />cost of the new work needed to conform to what they have done, so as not to make a water <br />pocket at the north end of the road. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Clerk was asked to write to the County Surveyor's Dept. and Ilsk if they cOlJld <br />provide some drainage along the north side of Rosela\1Il Jwe. <br /> <br />Connor Inoved,seconded by Car1soh that Carley make a survey of the drainage <br />conditions on Roselavm,Aldine .md Fairview. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-( 0). <br /> <br />:~1r.Schmidt of 82 Hatch St appeared at the meeting at our request regarding the <br />grading of V"oodbridge in the area which he developed a few ~rears ago. He was told the <br />road had never been accepted by the former ~own Board or Village Council and we could <br />not spend any money on it.If any work was to be done on the road the property owners <br />would have to pay for it. Mr Schmidt said he would not spend a dime on it. - <br />Carley presented a profile of the road and Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that <br />the grade of Woodbridge st. be avcepted. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O) It was suggesteè <br />that the road be examined as to how much work would be needed to get it in shape and <br />report to Mr.Schmidt on Aug.5. <br /> <br />Mr.McCullough of County Road B ¡md Fair1~ays Lme was present to secure permission <br />to build a Utility store his tools in. He already has a double garage.His <br />request did not comply with the zoning requirements of the area and he was informed he <br />would have to get the necessary papers prepared for re-zoning the property. <br />..( <br />Mrs Collins asked for a report on the easement the Engineer was going to try and-¡ <br />get. The report stated no easement would be given at this the Christensen's. ' <br />After much discussion the Mayor informed Mrs Collins that the matter would have to be <br />handled by her attorney. <br /> <br />\'.~) <br /> <br />:lr.Fred Memmer presented a petition in behalf of Ray Gerken for re-zoning from <br />Residential to Commercial a piece of property east of Dale St. on the North side of <br />Larpenteur,saying he had several signature~ but not the Abstract certificate but would <br />get it to the Clerk as soon as he received it. Mayor Connor stated that he was opposed <br />to re-zoning that portion.Membrez stated nothing would be accomplished by re-zoning <br />the wbol~ piece of property ¡¡s most of i twas down in a iDle and only sui table for <br />gardening and they had nothing at stake,whereas the Stuber's has usable property which <br />would be affected by the type of business the Gerken's were conducting. After much <br />discussion Memmer left the petition with the Clerk and said he ,muld furnish the <br />certificate in the morning. <br />
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