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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HOS,';VILLE <br />Continued IJeeting,TuesdaJr Eve. J'uJ~y 22 1952 a,t 7.00 F.lA. <br /> <br />231 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date as a continuation of the regular meeting <br />of Tuesday July 15 with the following members present. Carlson, Willmus ,}lembrez, Connor <br />...nd H¡um'11ersten. Milner Garley Village Engineer was also present. <br /> <br />The Clerk read the letter from the Lauderdale Council in response to our request for <br />extending water service to residents living in Roseville who are in the fringe area of <br />the Lat:derdéÙ.e water system,The Council stated they would be unable to give this service <br />now or in the future. <br /> <br />Mr. Davis of 1161 Sextant was present inquiring what was going to happen to the street <br />and what was going to be done on it. He was un..'1appy about a barricade that had been <br />erected ¡.cross the road, sa:ring it would stop the sale of his property. There are two <br />deep gulleys on both sidès of the road which needed the protection of the barricade. Mr. <br />~avis said the people drive up to the barricade then bavk up onto his drivew~ and have <br />it all chewed up. Mr.Carley was asked to check on the matter and report at the next meet- <br />ing. The ro¡¡ds in Forte Park were accepted by Jos.Koalska by letter om Aug.15 1951. <br /> <br />Membrez Doved,seconded by Hammersten that the Villitge Engineer make a report on the <br />condition of the roads in the Porte Park area. Roll cùl Ayes-(5) N~es-(O). <br /> <br />A letter from the stepnitz agencJr aBking for the establising of curbing grá.des was <br />read. :Membrez moved, seconded by COnl'lOr that the Engineer establish the grades reque sted. <br />Roll call Ayes-()) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />- <br />The easement presented by Herman Leuer came up for discussion, and the report from the:. <br />En~ineer was read again. The matter was referred b~ck to Carley again to work out a <br />street plan for the whole quarter section, and report. at the next meeting. <br /> <br />A letter from Frank Leinen was read asking for an increase in salary as Treasurer due <br />to the increase in work.Willmus moved, seconded by Carlson that the Trea.salary be increa- <br />sed to 100.00 per month effective August 1st 1952.Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />A petition was presented by Loren Swanson and several neighbors for the '¡ac.ting of <br />a 12 foot :::trip of land between Lots 3-4-17-and 18 in Block 2 and Lots 7-8 in Block 1 <br />Yiillmus Homesites Add. Hammerst,en r.loved,seconded by Carlson that the petition b~ accepted <br />and a public hearing be held on fuesd~ Aug., 1952. Roll cdl Ayes-(S) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />M8J'or Connor reported that he ,Carlson, Willmus and Carley had looked over the roads <br />in Roseville Terrace on the Donnay-Reitz project and said they were in pretty good cond- <br />ition.Needed a little shaping up and some oil applied. <br />Connor moved, seconded by Carlson that we accept the roads, nimlely two blocks on C2, <br />one block on AsbuT'J and one block on Aroml contingent on a report by the Village engineer <br />Roll calJ. Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by lIammersten that the Clerk write to the County Surveyor's <br />office and ask if the work we want them to do for us c.m be done in a reasonable length <br />of time .md a reply sent back before Aug.5. Roll cóiÙ.l Ayes-(,) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by H.iJJlIßersten that the Engineer and the Clerk get priçes on <br />Oiling and Sanding village roads on a per rAile basis or any portion per mile according <br />to specificationB. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />After a lengthy discussion on work being done by the Count.y or their inability to do <br />so the matter was tabled until we could talk over the problem with the Village attorney. <br /> <br />Itembrezmoved, seconded by Carlson that a b..<i¡e be purchased for thl': Electrical <br />Inspector as a means of Indentification. Roll call Ayes-(5) Hayes-(O). <br />Haœ~ersten moved, seconded by Willmus that the Stuber plat be accepted. Roll call <br />Äyes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br />