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1/29/2021 4:24:30 PM
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1/29/2021 4:12:59 PM
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73 Mr. Ristow reviewed the information on fleet electrification and prioritization with <br />74 the Commission. He noted this will be coming forward later in 2021. <br />75 <br />76 Vice Chair Huiett inquired about the B3 data being entered and she wondered how <br />77 that interfaces with the GreenStep Cities Program. <br />78 <br />79 Mr. Ristow reviewed the information with the Commission. <br />80 <br />81 Chair Wozniak asked for an update on the Utility rates since the October meeting. <br />82 <br />83 Mr. Culver reviewed with the Commission the Finance Commission and City <br />84 Council meeting outcomes regarding the Utility rates. He noted the Finance <br />85 Commission recommended Option One and the City Council is still considering it. <br />86 <br />87 6. Civic Campus Master Plan Update <br />88 Mr. Culver reviewed the Civic Campus Master Plan update with the Commission. <br />89 He noted there are no current plans to do anything and no money is earmarked for <br />90 this. <br />91 <br />92 Member Spencer indicated he did go through the presentation and also went to the <br />93 site. He explained was glad to hear the City reconsidering doing away with the <br />94 little pocket park because he thought it does get used by the apartment complex. <br />95 When looking at the presentation some of the plans put in greenspace in the main <br />96 City Campus as it sits now, and he did not see that working and being used other <br />97 than grass that will need to be mowed. The reuse of the City buildings is a definite <br />98 plus in his mind. One of the bigger things is the Cit7just installed solar panels and <br />99 would the City want to take them down and reinstall them somewhere else. The <br />100 other thing is doing away with Veterans Park and the VFW, when looking on <br />101 Google Maps there are actually two little soccer fields in Veterans Park and seems <br />102 to get a little use. One thing he did see is if Veterans Park is taken away would <br />103 there be some upgrades done in the Howard Johnson Park area to help <br />104 accommodate for some little league soccer or something like that. <br />105 <br />106 Mr. Culver explained regarding the park area, the City actually has a policy of no <br />107 net loss of park land so the City would need to figure out how to make up that park <br />108 area if Veterans Park were taken away. <br />109 <br />110 Member Misra indicated she appreciated the initial comments about the design and <br />111 the idea of preserving a certain amount of green space which is one of the areas she <br />112 is interested in. It seems like Roseville has had a sort of identity as the City that <br />113 has paid some respects to that and is reflected in the area around City Hall and the <br />114 area just east of City Hall. She thought it was beautifully designed and would like <br />115 to see that sort of concept built into this somehow. <br />116 <br />117 Vice Chair Huiett mentioned one of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan is for <br />118 more sustainable designs so as the City goes forward some of the building massing <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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