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<br />VILLAGE C00~CIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Continued meetint;. Tuesday Eve, cTuly 29 at 7.00 F.H. <br /> <br />233 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above d:'.te as a cont.inu¡tion of the continued <br />meeting of Tuesdiiy Eve. Jul~r 22 at 7.00 P.M. with the following members present. <br />carlson,Willmus,Membrez,Connor and Hammers-l:.en. Milner Carley Vi.llage En~ineer was <br />;;)1so present. <br /> <br />Mayor Connor reported on th~ good job the two constables have been doing recently, <br />especiall~! during the' recent Fireman's Festival where they done.. good job of natrol- <br />ing and directing traffic. The civilian defense men were also on the job assisting <br />where~r they could. Discussion was held on how 1'Ve could ccmpensate the constables <br />on a monthly b..sis for some of the services they render without pay. The matter was <br />tabled until we can get an opinion from the attorney. <br />.:;:t was suggested that the clerk check with o'ther municipalities close by to see <br />how the:,-' handle violations and pa:r the constables. <br /> <br />Ma;)'or Connor reported on the conversation he had with ,Toe Koalska reßardin¡,; road <br />work being done for th~ Villa.¡;e.He thought we fihould. have better supervi~3ion over the <br />men. We should know where they otre working and what they are doing. It was suggested <br />th.t maybe we could. get some equipment of our own,anè. do some of the minor work nOVi <br />being done b~r the Cüunty. <br />Willmus,Carlson .md Carle;? were appointed tCi get prices and inform.tion on the <br />kind of equipment we would need. <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by MeJ11brez that Jos.Koalska be employed. on a full time boads <br />for the Vnlac;~ r""om Aug.l::;t to Deç.l;:;t. 5 hour:; per day,five days per w'eek ..t 2.25 <br />per hour. A total of forty hours, and the Clerk notify him of our _ction b~r letter. also <br />stating that if additional help is required,he is to notify the Clerk. Roll call- <br />Aye¡;;,-(5) Na~res-(O). <br /> <br />The Clerk read the report b.y the ZnbirH'~er on the teuer property at County Road C &. <br />Jale St. After some discussion on how the road as laid out would fit into roads that <br />may be built to the Ilorth,Membrez moved, seconded by Carleen that the easement be accep- <br />ted providing we secure the additional earements needed running north from the present <br />~J .~oot rOé1(~ running ~e.~t ~n~ """~t. B.()11 c.:oll A.YI"JP-(5) "Ta:r~!,,_(O). <br /> <br />'2:'he Engine~rs report of ,June 1< on a trip ¡'lade by Koalsk¡¡ anè he was reOid. Tile <br />part referring to th~ planting of trees on the'! boulevard was discussed. It 1\'ílS reCCOrrl- <br />ened that the Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordin:mce ¡,;overning the plomt3::1&; <br />of trees. <br /> <br />Connor moved., sec()nded by Carlson that the En¡¡;ineer prepare an estimate of the <br />cost of making a city section of Count~l Road B2 from Vict;:¡ria to texington and secure <br />the necessary easem.ents for drainage purposes for the water to run Bennett 1,;3ke. <br />Roll call A~res-(:;) NólJres-( 0). <br /> <br />'i'he letter regarding ca+;'ch basinf:' anò culvert installaticns was read and tþe <br />Engineer reported that ten catch basins could be used right now. We would have to <br />advertise for bi{~s on the installation which would cost about 50.00 for each catch <br />.' basin. <br /> <br />'2:'he report on the BeImett Lake matter as it is today was re..d,Carley discussed the <br />topographical m__p he had made of the area, saying the present level is 8ßL)' and add:!. ti- <br />oni} propert~r would be needed to take care of a raise to 894'. Th~y are still comp~ting <br />gallonage running into the lake and the safety factors needed. It was suggested that <br />the plat be sqmœed off so as to give us more room for storage,and someone to contact <br />the people on how much it would cost us to acquire the propert~r. Carley said he would <br />l1ave one of his men get the various elevations and then get some estimates. Membrez <br />suggested that we get a list of the property O\Yners and amount of ~creage they own. <br />