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<br />VII,LAG:C COUNCIL OF ROSEVITJ1E <br />Ueetinti;,Tuesday Au"ust S 1952 at 2.00 O'Clock LM. <br /> <br />234 <br /> <br />The '\filla¡¡;e Council met on the above date with the following members ~resent, <br />carlson,WillIjlus,¡'J!embrez,Connor ;md H.mmersten. Ir¡¡, Karon Village Attorney and t.1ilnar <br />Carley Village Enginl')er were :¡¡lsc present. <br /> <br />The clerk read the minutes of the laßt re~ular meeting of Jul.:,.' 15 mId the two con- <br />tinued meetings of Jul;,¡' 22 Sl 29 and on .!lotion by Hembrez, ~econded by Willmus they 1'1ere <br />e¡pproved as read. Roll c<ùl Ayes-(:)) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Public hearing on the petition of Loren Swanson and nei~hbors w..:=: d~clared <br />open. There beinif. no one present opposing; EiÜd vac¡¡,ting,Hammersten moved, seconded b:r <br />WHlmus that <br /> <br />A teelve foot lane separatin¡¡; Lots 7 &. 8 in Block <br />One and ... t,welv~ foot selJ:::-:-ating Lot~ 3 and h <br />and Let.s 17 [I. 18 ~il1mus Hamedte be vac.ted. <br />Roll call Äyes(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Public hearinG on the petition of Hr Vi~11eux asking for the re-zonin¡¡; of <br />Iot l.Block 4, Verde H;;¡ven was declar~d open. Ther~ being no one present objecting to <br />said petition. Willmur, !4ovedJ seconded by Iloumnersten that <br />Lotl,Block h, Ver¿e Haven be !'e-zoned from a Farm Residence <br />Dist.rict to Class IIBtI P.esidential. <br />Rol1 c.ll Ayes-(S) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The public hearing on th~ petition of Frank Linc1..ig for the re-zcnin¿¡: frem a <br />Business dist!'ict to an Industri..l district of the <br />East 2?O feet of :he West 700 feet of that part of <br />the SE-:1 of the SW~: of Sec 15 T29,R23,lying North of <br />County Road IIC" and South of a line parallel to and <br />distant 437 feet north of the North line of said Count.y <br />Road C was declared open. There being no one present opposing said <br />petition.Hammersten moved,seconded by Carlson that the above describeà property be <br />re-zoned. Roll c.11 Ayes-Un Nayes- (0) <br /> <br />The Puhlic hearini on the petition presented by WJ!l.Reilin~ .md severo¡J, neighbors <br />~'or the re-zcmin¡,; from Business to Fam. Hesidence Lot[)1,~6 Elk, 1 tob, 7-12 31k.2 <br />KróUmak Add. w..s declared open. J'ár. Hazen i~ttorn~y fot the group spoke on tl1e <br />m...tter of postini,; notices sayin¡; the wa~l it h..d been done was proper and legal .nc <br />it wa:<:: the tJ'pe of notice posted years ago by the pione~r~" .t Tmvn H...l1s,Post Offiç,es <br />etc. <br />He did not question the le~ality of tile posted notices, but thou¡;ht i t 1f¡~S <br />outmoded, so we should listen to the p~ti tiOtH~rs with an open mind. He stated th..t jt, <br />would effect the enjoymen":, 01' the petitioners n,~i¡.;hborhood if "-1_ if the present <br />zoning was) eft to stand. He recognized the job Vil1a~e Councils have to do,af having <br />to try and s~tisf~r everyone and still get some corm:lercial budnef;~ intr.1 the Villagl!:. <br />Mr.Hazen suggested, we strike a balancf'J anù hoped it would I:1eet, with t.he approval <br />of most of the p~()ple he represe:1t.ed,by re-zon::"lg onl~/ back to I,ots 7-12 of Blk,2. <br /> <br />~trø Cummings of 1752 Lindy St. said he and his nei¡;hbo:r~: would help Mr.Krannak <br />develop his property if he only went up to the lot line suggested by ;f.r. H:,¡zen. <br /> <br />Mr. Reiling s¡Üd i' Township officers omd VillóJ.¡¡e 0 ~ficer~ no sh¡¡çk$ or <br />Commercial property would take place in their, stating the people want~d the <br />right to vote on such matters in iii democratic f;¡¡shion. The oyer all zoning was don~ <br />01.1.: co rding to the plan set out b~T the RóU1lse:¡ COWlty Planning ComJrli~8ion, and 'Y"e f:'houl d <br />stay with the pI.m aro outlined. <br /> <br />Mr. Krannal said tlae never 'WOuld put in .111:/ business th..t would hurt anybody. He <br />~xplained the development of the C<ùifornia View Apts,sayin~ it had belon"eè to some <br />