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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/9/2021 2:22:55 PM
Creation date
3/9/2021 2:22:41 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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that is or does staff feel they will have enough information to be able to score the <br />responses on this. <br />Mr. Johnson believed staff has adequate information once they look at the entire <br />packet of items. This small section shows community values and DEL There is <br />also a large attachment at the end of the RFP which goes into more detail about the <br />DEL He thought this will be much easier to score in comparison to what staff was <br />looking at in 2017. <br />Vice Chair Huiett thought the work staff has done in the scoring section is excellent <br />and she thanked staff for their work. She thought the scoring rubric was spot on <br />and descriptive enough but also open enough to allow for a range of options and <br />alternatives, including creative ones. For meeting and addressing those values are <br />clearly evident in the scoring for Roseville. She thought this was really fantastic <br />and was thrilled to see the work done here. <br />Member Joyce asked how the City handles multi -unit housing and complexes. He <br />asked if there was something in the RFP to address that. He also wondered if there <br />was anything for commercial as well or is this strictly residential only. <br />Mr. Johnson explained per City Code, all of the residents do recycling through the <br />City. Single unit, multi -unit, and multi -unit complexes will have strategic places <br />on the premise where the recycling carts will be located. A lot of the times the <br />recycling carts will be in the parking structures and get pulled out on recycling day. <br />This is all residential and the City does not do anything with commercial or <br />organizations unless those places opt into the City's program, which there is an <br />option to do that. <br />Mr. Culver asked what the Commissions thoughts were on pricing, such as weekly <br />or bi-weekly because staff is not sure how this will come in yet in the RFP and the <br />community survey has not really shown a strong preference to move to a weekly <br />service, but he would imagine that as the City evolves with recycling and material <br />selection, hopefully people will put more in the recycling bin than their waste bin. <br />He wondered how the Commissioners personally deal with bi-weekly recycling and <br />he asked if the Commission found challenges with the capacity of their bins and <br />does any Commissioner have more than one cart. <br />Member Spencer explained he had the middle size of recycling cart but that <br />pandemic recycling there are some weeks where the cart is very full but pre - <br />pandemic, one cart was plenty for his family. <br />Member Hammer indicated she has a family of five with two containers since the <br />pandemic started and it is consistently full. She noted she works for a retailer and <br />the trends with retail are the digital purchasing which is going to continue to trend <br />up. She thought that might be another metric to look at and certainly the pandemic <br />is a factor, but she thought this will continue to trend. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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