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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:32 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNCr¡. OF ROSEVILn~ <br />Meeting, Wednesda.y, November 5, 1952 at 2: 00 P. M. <br /> <br />25(1 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date on account of Gvneral Election <br />being held on TuesdaJr, November hth, with the following members present: <br />Carlson, Membrez, Connor and Hammersten. Ira Karon, Village Attorney and rÆilner <br />Carley, Village Engineer, were also present. <br /> <br />The Clerk read the J:J.inutes of the last regular r,'leeting and on motion by <br />Carlson, seconded by ¡~elilbrez, they were approved as read. Roll call .~T~s-(h) <br />Nayes-( 0). <br /> <br />The heari!lg on the re-~oning of certain portions of Krannak property was <br />declared open. JAr. Krarmak was preHent to object to taking 80 much property, as <br />it would take awa~r the space for parking lh cars, but he agreed to go along vÜth <br />it if he had to. j"~erabrez (¡loved, seconded by Carlson, that the property be rezoned <br />as applied for in the petition. Roll call Ayes-(h) IJa;yes-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Krallnak askeò what had been òone OIl the Golden Rule property. He W<JS <br />told a petition had been filed and action would bf~ taken later on in the meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. <br />sone tax <br />referred <br />Ayes-(4) <br /> <br />Dehn of the Land Commissioner's office appeared with a plat book reg<Jrding <br />forfeited land. Membrez moved, seconded by Connor, that the matter be <br />to Ki'lron for further study and report at the next [!leeting. Roll call <br />Nayes-( 0). <br /> <br />Mr. Dietsch of 577 Shryer was present to ask permission to live in a <br />basement while he coapleted his home. The mAterial is ordered, and he has sewer <br />facilities in the house now and backfilling would be done today, so the well man <br />could get in and drill. He promised to go ahead and get it closed in at once, <br />and was told that the build-' inspector would keep an eye on the site. <br /> <br />Mr. Galesi of Patterson, N. J., the new owner of the Rose Vista Apartments, <br />appeared before the Council to inquire about his sewage problems. They were <br />causing them some trouble and he wanted to know what our position was on the <br />mat ter. He was told there had been some abuse to the s:¡rstem by some of the <br />15ß far.1ilies. They are throwing in orange peelings and other materials that <br />w:Lll not re-act to bacteria. He stated the ~'HA F..Ilgineers would be out on <br />Thursday, and the;)! would have to maybe put in a few more cesspools. <br /> <br />Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Johnson ano Mr. Laska inquired about the grading of Rorna <br />between Dunlap and Fernwood. A large amount of dirt would have to be removed, <br />which would cost about $1,000.00. We could use the dirt for a berm on Dionne <br />and ;Üd Oaks, and maybe some mf it could be sold to individuals. Mernhrez <br />suggested the people imTolvad pay for the grading vihich would run about $)0.00 <br />per lot. Tlwy agreed to the plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Erickson of Orcherd L8ne inquired what was to be done about hiI' road. <br />He has been waiting for four months for some :relief. It is onlJT 30 feet wide <br />now and Mogren will give an eafJement on his side if the road would be graded at <br />once at no cost to him. Uembrez moved, seconòed by Carlson, that we instruct. <br />Joe Koalska to clean the ditch and put in a couple loads of rock where needed. <br />Roll call Ayes-(h) Na:res-(O). <br />
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