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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROS1~ILLE <br />Continued Meeting, Honda~1 Evening, November 10, 1952 at 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br />258 <br /> <br />The Village COllncil met on the above date as a continuation of the <br />of November 5, 1952, with the following memhers present: Carlson, Willmus, <br />Membrez, Connor and Hammersten. Milner Cerley, Village Engineer, WA.S also present. <br /> <br />M8~Tor Connor read e. financial paper prepared by I.fembrez on th(~ status of <br />our vBrjcus funrls. Balance November bt, $4(3,041 in all funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson, Rosenthal é'nd IIoel¡;er appeared again about Roma st. from <br />Fernwood to Dtmlap. Laska refuses to go alonG ìvith them on the construction of <br />th"3 street, and they wanted to know what to cio next. There are 12 lots affected. <br />The~T were told we would do the best Vie could RO th~y could Get in and out next <br />spring. <br /> <br />Hembrez moved, seconded by Hanmersten, that Karon draw up +11e necessary <br />papf~rs for the assessing of the grading of Roma from Fern'.'Vood to Dunlap. Holl <br />cAll Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by Willraus, that the duly elected officers borrow <br />$38,000 to be pairl for in fi lTe years. <br />Truck $lS,937 <br />Graòer 16,000 <br />Aux. Fire Truck 4,000 <br />Rol1 call Ayes-(5) t\TayeB-(O). <br /> <br />George Membrez introduced the following resolution and moverl its <br />adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSU.'l.NCE AND SAJ..E <br />OF CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDHESS FOR T~m PURFOSE <br />OF FINANCING THE PURCHASE OF FIRE EQUIP!ŒNT Aim <br />STREET EÇUIPMENT FOR THE VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE, <br />MINNESOTA. <br /> <br />BE IT RE..C)OLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, <br />as follows: <br /> <br />1. It is hereby determined that it is advisable, expedior.t and necessar~r <br />to issue Certificates of Indebtedness of the Village for the purpose of financ- <br />ing the purchase of fire equipment and street equipment as follows: Thirty-eight <br />Thousanò [)iollars (~;38,OOO.00) for fire and street equipments. <br /> <br />2. The VUlage shall issue and sell its negotiatlle coupon general obligation <br />Certificates of Indebtedness as follows: Said certificates shall be in the denom- <br />ination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, datf~d January 2, 19.53, to bear <br />interest at the rate or rates in integral multiples of one-fourth or one-tenth of <br />one percent (1%) designated by the successful bidder, payable .Tmluary 2, 1954, and <br />semi-annually on July 1st and JanuHry 2nd of each year thereafter without option <br />of prior payment. <br /> <br />Said cortificates shall mature serially on .January 2nrl in the years and <br />amounts as follows: <br /> <br />iiJ <br />