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on and <br /> es and the <br /> es using best <br /> es that include <br /> ng a community <br /> rm a program, and <br /> on with the school ŋ <br /> es for recrea <br /> es. <br /> ve methods to provide <br /> es <br /> ons. <br /> ec <br /> ng community facili <br /> fy a site, con <br /> on services. <br /> mes as managed and scheduled by <br /> onal space, renovated space, and <br /> on at an appropriate level within <br /> on spaces in conjunc <br /> es to meet the needs of current and future <br /> ces and cost-e <br /> ne a strategy for implemen <br />ŋ <br />Goal 6Community Facili Locate, design, construct, and manage community faciliresidents.Policy 6.1: Provide community facilidesired community amenisocial interacsectors and constellaPolicy <br /> 6.2: Assess community needs and desires for the use of exisneed for addiimproved space.Policy 6.3: Facilitate a system of community and recreadistricts that provides for both structured <br /> and unstructured the City.Policy 6.4: Idendecenter.Policy 6.5: Manage and maintain facilipracdesired recreaPolicy 6.6: Leverage private involvement in the form of sponsorships, joint <br /> ventures, and contract for services to support facili <br /> es <br /> on <br /> ng <br /> cipa <br /> on, <br /> on groups <br /> cipant <br /> cipants. <br /> ordable to the <br /> on programs and services. <br /> ng programs that broaden <br /> on programs. <br /> ordable to all par <br /> nancial feasibility, and community <br />ŋ <br /> on, and marke <br /> on, <br /> cipants, while remaining a <br /> onal assistance, mailboxes, and mee <br /> onal interests and encourage par <br /> es and events using subsidies or fee waivers <br /> vi <br /> sfac <br />Policy 5.6: Establish ongoing communicainformarecreaPolicy 5.7: Coordinate and cooperate with school districts, community, county, and state agencies, private businesses, and surrounding <br /> municipalito provide diverse and extensive programs and services that are aPolicy 5.8: Facilitate community recreaby providing technical support, equipment storage, promospace.Policy <br /> 5.9: Act as liaison to recognized community groups providing recreaPolicy 5.10: Evaluate all programs and services quarterly and annually for quality, parsadesirability.Policy 5.11: <br /> Develop and maintain a system of program fees and charges that assess direct costs to the parcommunity.Policy 5.12: Provide residents with community acthrough scholarships, sponsorships, <br /> or other methods of fee assistance. <br /> on <br /> c, <br /> es <br /> ng <br /> ty and <br /> on, athle erns, and <br /> on. <br /> ering a diverse mixture <br /> on programs and services <br /> onal desires of people <br /> mulate interest in recrea <br /> ve, and relevant services. <br /> on and leisure service programs <br /> ec <br /> es and programs through well- <br /> al by acquiring and exhibi <br /> vi <br /> es and all segments of the community <br /> on Programs and Services <br /> on, promote community iden <br /> cipate in a variety of recrea on ac <br /> es in recrea <br /> cipa <br /> vi <br /> ect these changes at a broader level. <br />Ť <br />Goal 5Recrea Provide Roseville residents with opportunito parwellness, art, social, learning, and environmental educadesigned, cost ePolicy 5.1: Provide recreathat address the recreaof <br /> all abiliincluding children, teens, adults, and older adults.Policy 5.2: Organize a variety of community special events that sparpride, encourage volunteerism, and bring together all <br /> segments of the community.cultural potenquality works of art, providing access to a variety of performance arts, and by oof community events.Policy 5.4: Administer all programs and <br /> services equitably to ensure that all individuals and groups receive adequate representaPolicy 5.5: Monitor new trends, paacre <br /> <br />