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o The COVID 19 pandemic causes challenges to other vehicles for engagement that <br />may be used. Examples could include in-person community meetings and <br />engagement at community events. Staff and the commission will continue to <br />analyze the viability of safely using these methods. <br />DELIBERATION AND RECOMENDATION <br />o Once sufficient engagement with all target populations has been reached, the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission will analyze the data received and develop a <br />recommendation for City Council. Their recommendation shall ensure that <br />impacted communities’ input and racial equity considerations are included in their <br />recommendation. <br />VI. Accountability <br />The above process will strive to meet the following tangible benchmarks to ensure that it meets <br />the objective listed in section I. <br /> Notify all neighbors within the defined “neighborhood” of the conversation and provide <br />them an opportunity to participate in the conversation. <br /> Receive feedback from: <br />o 10 Roseville residents who are Native American. <br />o 2 Native American experts. <br />o 20 Neighbors of the park. <br />o Provided the opportunity for all Roseville residents to participate in the process. <br />o Provided the opportunity for feedback on the final proposal before it is <br />implemented. <br /> <br />