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Last modified
4/26/2021 1:49:30 PM
Creation date
4/26/2021 1:47:31 PM
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Public Works Commission
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74 will be some immediate and hopefully, at least noticeable, if not measurable <br />75 benefits of that from a localized flooding perspective. There are some areas that <br />76 have experienced localized flooding and staff is hoping and expecting that the <br />77 underground storage will help with some of that. As far as water quality <br />78 downstream, it is a little more difficult to perhaps measure that directly and from <br />79 these types of devices. He indicated staff is hoping that a large number of these <br />80 projects will have a measurable impact going into the ultimate water lines. <br />81 <br />82 Chair Wozniak wondered if there will be a connection at any time from the B2 <br />83 Pathway project to Lexington. <br />84 <br />85 Mr. Freihammer indicated in the short term the answer is no. The connection will <br />86 go from the northbound ramp to the west to the southbound ramp which is pretty <br />87 much the connection. It does provide a pretty good connection to transit. One of <br />88 the bus stop currently stops at the ramp. <br />89 <br />90 Chair Wozniak noted the Snelling signals, it seemed to him that many years ago <br />91 there was discussion about some requirements that adjacent signals have some <br />92 synchronicity in their timing. He wondered if this was correct and was there some <br />93 requirement that links consecutive signals together. <br />94 <br />95 Mr. Culver was not sure there was a requirement for that. Certainly, the signals on <br />96 Snelling are coordinated, probably from at least Larpenteur through County Road <br />97 B, would be a coordinated system of signals and then County Road C through Lydia <br />98 would be a separate system, just because of distance. <br />99 <br />100 Chair Wozniak indicated another question he had was in regard to the Benchmark <br />101 Study. There was a recent benchmarking event a couple of weeks ago, March 8t', <br />102 and he wondered what participation and interest there has been so far. <br />103 <br />104 Mr. Culver thought there were two events so far with a third scheduled for April <br />105 8ffi. He indicated there is some mild interest in it. <br />106 <br />107 Member Spencer explained on the western side of Lake McCarrons where the water <br />108 comes through the different step-down ponds to drop the contaminants before it <br />109 enters Lake McCarron, and it looks like someone cleared out a bunch of trees and <br />110 other stuff and he wondered what that was for. <br />111 <br />112 Mr. Freihammer indicated in Villa Park that series of wetlands and weirs is in the <br />113 City and staff does work a lot of that with Capital Region Watershed. He noted he <br />114 was not aware of any clearing that happened other than if there are fallen trees built <br />115 up on the weir, the City maintenance staff does remove those but in terms of <br />116 standing trees, if those are cleared then he did not know if that would be a parks <br />117 thing or not. <br />118 <br />119 5. Ramsey County Ditch 4 Project Overview <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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