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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/28/2021 9:57:50 AM
Creation date
5/28/2021 9:57:34 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Mr. Freihammer made a presentation to the Commission on the Pathways Master <br />Plan update. <br />Member Cicha indicating regarding the ranking system, connecting to the transit <br />system it is showing based off of 1 to 3 rating, but he saw numbers higher than 3. <br />He wanted to be sure that they are taking connects into transit and evaluating that <br />very highly with what paths they thinkthey should be preferring because he thought <br />it was pretty well understood that those that are taking transit are walking there. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained he will have to take a look at that criteria He did not <br />look to much at the table but that was a big need. A lot of times when they get the <br />connected transit, they are usually connecting to multi -family which usually goes <br />hand in hand and build off of each other. <br />Member Spencer asked when looking at a path, understanding the City has concrete <br />and asphalt, is there a set construction method for the paths. He wondered if there <br />is some sort of standard that has to be followed when construction happens. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated the City does have some set minimum standards. The <br />City's informal preference is to do bituminous pathways first. One of the <br />advantages of this is bituminous is easier to maintain and is also wider for <br />maintenance is actually easier. This is also a lot smoother for bikers to use as well. <br />He reviewed the City standards for concrete and bituminous sidewalk construction. <br />Member Spencer indicated an email was sent to the Commission by somebody who <br />wanted the City to consider a path on Fairview and he wondered if staff was going <br />to respond to the person or how this should be handled. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained there are some segments being built this year with the <br />credit union and there are also come additional development that have some <br />segments. Ramsey County is part of the B2 project and are going to make some of <br />those connections. There will still probably be a gap north of there but that is a gap <br />the City can look to fill in and complete. <br />Member Spencer indicated with the pathway going over the ditch, thinking about <br />stuff like that and thinking about the pedestrian pathway over 35, he wondered if <br />the City has every thought about partnering with companies to sponsor certain <br />segments. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained he did not think staff ever discussed naming rights or <br />any sort of cooperative thing with businesses or other property owners. <br />Mr. Culver noted the City could look at something such as adopt a trail program for <br />litter control and maybe even snow control. This is something to consider. <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />
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