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Last modified
5/28/2021 10:05:15 AM
Creation date
5/28/2021 10:01:19 AM
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Public Works Commission
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74 Member Ficek inquired how the bids have been coming in on the Roseville projects. <br />75 <br />76 Mr. Freihammer indicated the City has had very good bids which have been <br />77 favorable to the City. He noted one bid was over -estimate, but the rest have been <br />78 under. <br />79 <br />80 Member Misra wondered if there is a plan for replacing all of the ash trees along <br />81 the boulevards and in the parks and has there been any thought in creating a more <br />82 intentional green space in the newly developed areas or wild areas in the City. <br />83 <br />84 Mr. Culver explained the Park Department manages the Emerald Ash Bore program <br />85 and is asking for some funding to accelerate the removal and replacement of the <br />86 Ash trees. There are plans and desires and wishes to do that and the City is losing <br />87 some of the heavily treed areas with some of the development. The City does have <br />88 a very intensive replacement or landscaping plan for the ditch project area The <br />89 City will be starting with young trees and something the City is aware of. <br />90 <br />91 Member Misra asked if the Commission could encourage tree replacement to the <br />92 Parks Department in any way. <br />93 <br />94 Mr. Culver indicated the Commission could do that. He thought a member of the <br />95 Parks Commission might be able to come to a meeting to give a presentation of <br />96 their proposed program for the Emerald Ash Bore removals and replacement. <br />97 <br />98 Member Ficek wondered if the maintenance of boulevard trees would also include <br />99 looking at sidewalks and trails and where the trees may interfere with pedestrian <br />100 movements. <br />101 <br />102 Mr. Culver asked if Member Ficek meant existing trees causing issues with <br />103 heaving. <br />104 <br />105 Member Ficek explained it could either be that or branches that hand low and <br />106 impede pedestrians. <br />107 <br />108 Mr. Culver explained that should be a part of the City's trimming program, which <br />109 is usually winter work. <br />110 <br />111 Member Ficek congratulated staff on the benchmarking award it received. <br />112 <br />113 Mr. Culver expanded on the benchmarking award that was received. <br />114 <br />115 Chair Wozniak indicated on April 8ffi he attended a webinar on mapping prejudice. <br />116 This is an effort to try and look at racial covenants on property deeds. He noted <br />117 this began in Hennepin County and has moved into Ramsey County. This is <br />118 volunteer driven effort where volunteers are asked to look at property deeds to <br />119 determine whether or not there are racial covenants, which restrict the sale of <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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