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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:38 AM
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2/1/2005 5:49:51 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />28 ö <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Continued M~eting Tuesday Evening, Jan. 27, 1953 at 7 P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date as a continuation of the r~gular <br />meeting of TuesdHY, Janu~ry 20th, at 7 P.M. with the following members present: Membrez, <br />Carlson, Willmus, Connor and Hammersten. Milner Carley, Village Engine~r, and <br />Ira Karon, Villtlge Attorney, were also present. <br /> <br />Hr. Rutherford of 1969 Walnut inquired jf he would have to bu:r a dog license <br />in Lauderd:Üe along with one in Roseville. It seems his dog follows the children <br />to school and he did not want to buy two licenses. He was told 011r ordinance isn't ready. <br /> <br />Mr. Wickstrom of 1807 W~nut asked for permisl>ion to live in quarters that <br />are smaller than our minimUJ! requirements. Mr. Cattone of Halvern st. has been <br />living in the houRe and has a heart (:cndition end is unable t.o do any building on it. <br />He want.s to sell it, but the house had a red tag on it. Mayor Connor suggested that <br />the r$:Ü estate man handling the sale come before the Council and disc-uss the <br />matter with us. <br /> <br />Mrs. Jane Napper inq1lired if she could secure permission to live in e trailer <br />on the northside of Hoselawn at Fulham. Mrs. Napper works at Telex and her son <br />goes to the Lauderdale school, so she would li_ke to live in the area until sehool <br />is out. She was asked to make a formal application in writing aceorÔing to our <br />a.mended ordinance. <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by Carlson, t.hat we .?dvertise for bids for a 4 ton <br />truck according to specifications 81'1 drawn up b~r Mr. Carler with approval of the <br />committee and bids be opened Mar. 3rd at 2 P.M. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Hembrez moved, seconded by Hammersten, th3.t. we lease the Peterson property <br />for one year '"lith an option of renewing for one more year at ~t200 per month and <br />the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to ex~cute the lease effective Feb. 1, Hnd we <br />sublet a portion t.o ROf'e Plumbing ( Frank V:agner) at $75.00 per <br />month, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorizAd to execute Ip.ase with them for <br />office and show room. Roll call Ayef1-(5) Na~res-(O). <br /> <br />Vlillmus moved, seconded by Hammersten, that we advertise for 100 H.P. power <br />Grader, and bids be opened on Tuesday, H:'lrch 3rd, at 2 l".M. Roll call Ayos-(5) <br />Nayes-( 0). <br /> <br />The dog ordin8l1ce was discussed. Carlson told of the complaints he had re- <br />cei Y~d. One party saying a black labrador owned by William passo WélS roving around <br />the neighborhood and growling at people. Also, a lITs. Burnham of Fairways Lane <br />has called 8everal times, telling of her intention to fight for a dog ordinance to <br />the limit. <br /> <br />Membrez moved, Hacrmersten seconded, that the attorney draw üp a dog ordinance <br />and provide the necessar~r provision for enforcing same. Roll call Ayes-(5) NayeA-(O). <br /> <br />Membrez ¡'loved, Carlson seconned, that Fire Chief be in""i ted to sit in on <br />meetings and be paid $3.00 the first hour and $2.00 per hour thereafter or portion <br />thereof. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, Membrez seconded, that the suggested members of the Zoning <br />Board namely - H. A. Schlch, Allen Christoffersen, Lester R. .Johnson, Thorwald Brown, <br />and Clem Messerli - be invited to come to a meeting Friday Eve. at 7 P.M. <br />Roll call AJres-(5) N~yes-(O). <br />
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