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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF nOSEVILLE <br />Meeting Tuesday February 3, 1953 at 2:00 P.!J~. <br /> <br />289 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date wi th th~ ïI1ernbers present: <br />Carlson, ~rillmu~, HAmbrez, Connor and Hamrnersten. Ui1ner CArley, Village Engineer, <br />anò Ira Karon, Village Attornp'~T, VlAre also present. <br /> <br />Membrez questioned a portion of t,he previous rninutefi regarding the application <br />of ChaR. Krause for rezoning. Membrez moved that minut~s be approved with correction <br />of pAragraph pertaining to Krause's rezoning. ,nolI call Ayes-e;) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The question was raised if we were posting notices or mailing out: cards. Clerk <br />said cards were being sent to all people withÜ¡ 250 f~et of thE' property requested to <br />he rezoned. Karon stated that notices should still be posted in three ccnspicuollf: <br />places wi thin the Village. The Zoning Board was to mail out the cards and conduct <br />hearings as w~ll as the Council t,o conduct the finnl hearing. <br /> <br />James Hagen 1398 Woehrle, contract buyer of a basement house on Woehrle, has a <br />chance to ~ell his basement home to a pArty who wAnts to live in the basement for a <br />Yf.Jar until he could bnild the 1:pper structure. Regen would. not be able to huild <br />the upper structure for another three ;years and felt he should sell it se it cculd <br />be built up rather than remain in its prel3ent state. Mayor Connor asked thAt the <br />prospective purchaser write a letter to the Council with signature~ of adjoini~g <br />propert;)T owners and appear before the Council with his plans for building the upper <br />structure and apply for a building permit. <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by :Connor, that a notice inforr.ling the public that no <br />permi ts for basement homes and. substanðprd houses will be issued ih Ro:::eville be <br />publ~_shed in the R.o:~e Tribune Imd mimeographed notices be sent to the st. 1'a111 Real <br />EstAte Board and other real estate men who 8.1'0 not members of the Board. Roll call <br />Ayes-C,) Nayes-(O). <br />tb·'f>. Keith Burnham of Fairways Lane appem'ed. before the Council with a <br />definite dog problem and wanted to know what could be done about it. She vms told <br />that the attorney was drawing up an oròinance :md would havf'! it ready for stud~r at <br />the next meeting. There is a bib black dog that shp felt was vicious and sh011ld <br />be confined to its home. Metlbrez SRid passinG ~n ordinance would not solve the <br />problem as they would still be at large although they have é1 license. Mrs. Burnh~m <br />fel t thE~ ordinance should it mendetory that the dogs be fenced in and not <br />leave their yards. M:lyor Connor ~é!.id the ordtnémee woulò be gone over and find <br />out how st,rict we cculd be and how we could ~nforce it. <br /> <br />Mayor Connor said Hrs. carroll's lawyer had MHiled the Council :J letter <br />protestinG the operation of the business acress from home. The Clerk stl1ted <br />he has never receiv~ò the letter. Karon strtteC! that thf~ Council cou.ld permit a non <br />conforming use for a period of time as warréillted not to ex(~eed ten years. l~r. <br />Willmuf: said he was planning on tearing òown the barn they were cor:zplaining about <br />and had contacted Bomemle to get started on it, and in time some nice houses will <br />be built. on the prope,..t~r. <br /> <br />!·,fr. Schmidt raised the question about the WilHiorfer property. He was or-erating <br />a business on resldence prope!'t~l without permission. If it were to be rezoned, <br />Schmidt asked if Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Moga would he willin~ to si8I! tlw application. <br />Mr~. Hoga s,dJ) in e lot of towns in th~ East most doctors and dentid,f operatp. out <br />of their homes, and felt it would not h~!'m anyone. <br /> <br />Carlson asked if he could be relioved of the duties al.'sianed him as Chairman <br />of thf~ dog catchel'S. He hHrl recHived a call from the Uayor on a case and had <br />checked on it anù i twas 8 cold da~!. The MaJor ~ 'ìid he r.llOUld have 3f'\nt one of <br />the constat'~_es out on the caRe. <br />