<br />Con:-inued Meeting TueRda~¡ Evening Feb. 10, 19~;3 ? P.M.
<br />
<br />0°2
<br />~l 'f,jI
<br />
<br />T}w Vi11age Council rllet 0)'1 the above datA as n con~,inua aon of the regulnr
<br />meeting of '.:'ucsda;y fcbrurJry 3, with the following members prcê-'cnt: C,'lrlson, Wi11mue,
<br />Mcmbrez, Connor '1nd Hurnracrster'. Milner Cmlc:r, Villa¿;e .l)1gineer, W8.3 aJso present.
<br />
<br />Thf! Glp,rk rend the Ie tte¡' frem EdgDr ì'Jilliams rGg(l:::,dìng the remodeling of thE'
<br />Ole: Village Hall for use of the County Lihr;:¡:,~r. Eftj nates wc"'e c1i~(_'usfjed and the
<br />M21:Jberf' f"Üt thf3 ion should b~ let out separatel'y for each +..vpe of :'ep~:ir T'<3thor
<br />,. ,. a
<br />than thrOui,;:'l r-, general contracto'Y' who \10¡¡ld fublet éind tack on profit.
<br />
<br />~3rlscn brollzht. up the matÜ,r c; snow plo\ling ot' TrMsi 1, AVI"~. weRt of Ric~; St. to
<br />t:~:: Col1in~ home. It seeras l~rs. Collins has beer~ ill [Ill ,v'int~r, nnd he felt it waA
<br />an emergrmcy. The C1crk was asked to check with Karol1 on ~lj s convers ation 'VIri th King, ~'
<br />coD i;lR attorney, t.o find Ol~t the status of the l.3w~l;i t of Collins vp-. Chrif-'tensen.
<br />
<br />DìscUS2ion w:'s h~1è on the bill in the Scn-'3.te regarding work the Count.)r :!of-' doing
<br />for tÌle va1'5_ous tOYmshipc; rJ11d Munici"pali tier;. t~3~ro:r Cormor ~nid a meetj ng wOlJld be
<br />held 'I'h1.:""s. Feb. 12 at l0 /\,.11.
<br />
<br />Com",r mmrl>d, Wil1r:lUs seconded, that we plow thn", portion of Transit Avenue to
<br />the Coll:Lnr; hone ¿:¡p an cí'1er¡;cnc:r measure while the case if) beir,g studied by o'(¡r
<br />Attorney, Dnd Hrß. Collins 1::c notified that we cenIìot continue to lwndle it af:' ;m
<br />emergency for en iwiefinitu time. HolI call .Aye:::-(5) NÐ.:rer:-(O).
<br />
<br />Th~ C1ûrk inquired of the CouneD merri1wrs 'U tbe C. W. Uichel:: Plat 1f3 had
<br />cvc;r rr3en accepted, af' a contractor V!8B plp,nning on erecting hom"3s CD the DtÙf! St.
<br />side and wanted a letter to the VpÜ?1'anS J~è!11:'ni :'1tration.
<br />
<br />Membrez figured out the mill rate for thir, :rC1I' :'J~ cornpal'erl to last yt:ar,
<br />and we are pa~Ting 81. 3h mills for ~;chools ou.t of 12EJ~ mills, which leaves !¡7 mills
<br />for villages, count~T aY1d oth::r fun(~". So we .?ctually are pr>:riüg 12 r,1il18 marc than
<br />St. Faul residents. If;¡ house is ,'Qrth $6,000 for t;~x purposes, the t!3.X thir:: :rear
<br />would he $113.00 nore than l"r,t year - "'- total of .22 mill increase.
<br />
<br />Hé.1!nI!lürsten r.J.oveè, seconded b:r Menbrf~z, thnt wü anprove '1osevi11e r2errace lIo. '3.
<br />Roll cn11 Ayef:'-(S) Nayef:'-(O).
<br />
<br />Carley prestmteè th,~ ovol'-911 plan of Sec. 14 ttwt 1-)ß h2~ bEwn working on for
<br />~(JmG tiI:1c) explainh:& the 1'9:Jsons for ;:Ùacing the r()~ds 118 shown on the r1gt. One
<br />rOé'd'V"J1.Ùd go ,ju~t fHH"t of 1.ebon8 ~reenhouf;e to Lnrpenteur Ave. A"1ottwr litt.1,~ pie(~e
<br />on Aglen north of HOIDD was graded b;jT the road contractor which WPR not publi.c property,
<br />and Car12~r f1nid he }12(1 Ul~ pioce f(m~e~ off by laths. VfiJ_Imus ~ucg('rted that 1'['" have
<br />Hob"'r1-~:¡ ¡;;üt ;:m eaSÅ’lûnt for t0e strip, owned b;y :'he ':'yr;k~, ~.n ar,; much 8f' he had
<br />graded the road. Technically we would havA no right to CO on the 30 x 60 ft. strip. ~)'r
<br />::.:: an accident happened on the strip, ~Irs. 'l'ysk wo¡,ld 'he liRble. ¡.,'~
<br />
<br />The extenf'ion of Gh.Jtsvrorth Ylorth of P.oselawn Vl,']~ diSC1¡r,S(!d - how it coulè go
<br />up tv Pé1rker Rnt1 maihe to Burke eventìl;:illy, which VTolJlc1 make a rO?d half Wrty be-
<br />twc~n Vietaria éf~ d lexingt.on. C;>~ley w;:¡nt~rl to ('he(~k further on it.
<br />
<br />.sec. 15 was shown next. A street war, laid out (cast of ;;'airview townrd
<br />Snellinc with a road going north and pouth bt"foY'u reachi'lg ;::nelling .Avenue.
<br />
<br />Connor moved, r,econded 1)] Willmus, th2+, V1~ a(ljo\'rn. Foll c311 A,.v",r;-(5) N1'Iye~-(0).
<br />
<br />, /'1
<br />/0: ",-,~p J :fZ)¡-WYV/V !!oyor
<br />,/
<br />
<br />
<br />~~ls~k
<br />