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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/2/2021 3:34:56 PM
Creation date
8/2/2021 3:34:32 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Mr. Johnson explained that is actually a good point and the City is working on that <br />this year. He reviewed what staff is trying to do in the parks this summer in order <br />to come up with a plan to implement in 2022. <br />Chair Wozniak asked in regard to salt use, he knew that Roseville has been looking <br />at alternatives to granular salt to try and control icing in terms of using alternatives <br />like beef brine and other applications and saw staff is tracking how much is used <br />but is there any concern that there may be a restriction on how much salt can be <br />applied given the effect it is starting to have on water quality. <br />Mr. Johnson did not think it would actually get to the point of putting a restriction <br />on how much can be used because it will end up coming down to safety and the <br />municipalities and the other road authorities are going to use what they have to use <br />given the conditions to make a safe driving surface. The PCA is pushing for <br />education and making sure that the applicators are trained. <br />Public Comment <br />Chair Wozniak offered an opportunity for public comment with no one <br />coming forward. <br />Chair Wozniak thanked Mr. Johnson for his presentation. <br />6. City Council Joint Meeting Preparation <br />Mr. Culver explained the PWETC is scheduled to meet with the City Council for <br />its annual joint meeting which is scheduled for July 19, 2021. He asked the <br />Commission to make a list of topics to discuss with the City Council and staff will <br />include them in the July 19'' Council packet. <br />The Commission discussed possible topics and came up with the following for the <br />joint meeting discussion: <br />Activities and accomplishments: <br />• Partners in Energy <br />• Energy Action Plan <br />• City achieving GreenStep five and sustainability <br />• Greenhouse Gas reduction in the Comp. Plan as well as encouraging solar <br />and alternative forms of energy <br />• Campus solar program <br />• Current efforts to benchmark energy, Will Ristow and his work <br />• Organic drop off <br />• Commission work on the utility rates, water tiering <br />• Recycling contract and the REP <br />• MS4 Annual meeting <br />• Sustainability Super meetings <br />• Progress on the Pathways Plan <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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