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8/2/2021 3:57:29 PM
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8/2/2021 3:54:54 PM
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Roseville Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />Date: July 27, 2021 Item No: 5 <br />Item Description: Pathway Master Plan Amendment <br />Background: <br />As part of the comprehensive plan update in 2018, the PWETC and Council updated the Pathway <br />Master Plan. The current version of the plan was adopted by the City Council in October of <br />2018. Since that time, numerous pathways have been added and some new pathways have been <br />discussed as being added that are not currently in the plan. <br />Attachment A is the current plan that was adopted in 2018. <br />Attachment B includes proposed changes from staff based on what has been constructed since <br />2018, including pathways which will be constructed in 2021, as well as some new proposed <br />segments to the pathway master plan. The proposed segments are based on feedback from <br />Council and new developments that have occurred or are planned to occur in the future. <br />Staff presented these segments to the Commission in April as an introductory step for the overall <br />process. While no formal vote was taken, the Commission generally agreed with continuing <br />conversations about the six proposed segments. <br />Since the April meeting, staff has mailed postcard notifications to properties within 500 feet of <br />the proposed segments to encourage input and comments. Attached are any public comments we <br />received (some are summaries of phone calls). We received several questions asking for some <br />clarification of what we were proposing (mostly from properties along Lydia). We did not <br />include those questions. <br />It should be pointed out that these five of the six segments are simply adding lines to a map for <br />planning purposes. If and when the City is able to leverage an adjacent project and/or identify <br />funding for the proposed segments, there will be a community engagement process to discuss the <br />pathway, its design, any additional concerns, etc. <br />The proposed Tamarack Pathway, which connects Western Ave to Tamarack Park, does have <br />funding identified and if it is approved by the City Council as an amendment to the Pathway <br />Master Plan, the City would schedule this for construction in 2022. <br />Staff will provide a slightly updated presentation and review the comments from the public. The <br />Commission should provide an opportunity for public comment during the meeting and then <br />discuss a final recommendation to the City Council for amendments to the Pathway Master Plan. <br />The proposed amendments will be presented to the City Council late August or early September. <br />Notices will again be sent to adjacent property owners prior to that meeting once scheduled. <br />
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